Chapter 1: The Call

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Astrin May
I wake up as usual. I sit down and watch TV. Suddenly my phone rings. I walk over to my phone and pick it up.

"Hey, Astrin can you come over we um.. sorta need some help?" Dustin said

"oh yea, with what" I said confused

"I sorta um can't discuss that on the phone just come to family video please" Dustin said and immediately hung up.

Confused I threw on a shirt and got in my car and drove to Family Video. While in the car I started to think of what he could need my help with. It better not be that Upside Down shit they told me about. That stuff is just scary and I don't want to deal with it. Once I arrived and walked in Steve, Robin, Max, and Dustin were there.

"What is this?" I asked. Looking around confused.

"So we think the Mind Flayer is back." Max responded.

what. no. I can't deal with this again.

"Why do you guys think that ?" I asked confusedly.

" Well last night Eddie Munson and Chrissy Cunningham were at his trailer... and the lights started flickering. Then Eddie runs out. He looked scared. Then this morning we found out Chrissy died. So, we think that something from the Upside Down killed Chrissy."


"Wow okay... do you know where Eddie is now?" I asked shocked from what they just told me.

"We think he's at his drug dealers house. Reefer Rick." Robin responded.

"And where is that"

"Come on we gotta go there and see if he's there." Steve said.

We all ran outside and We all squeezed into Steve's car and headed to Ricks house.

"So what do we do if he is back?" I asked

" I have no idea but I know the only way to kill him is you. El isn't here and she doesn't have her powers." Dustin said.

me? just me? I don't know if I can do this. that is a lot for me to do and i've never done this kind of thing before. this is terrifying.

I just turn my head and look out the window. Looking at all the trees I begin to calm my mind.

After a while we get to Ricks house. I step out the car and step into the house. We begin to look around. There's nothing. No sign of anyone being here. I look outside. There's a little shed.

"Guys" I silently scream.

"What" They all say looking over to me.

"Over there. He could be in there maybe" I say.
We walk out the house and to the shed. Steve opens the door. We all step inside. No one. Steve and Dustin begin to poke and tarp.

"Guys seriously just pull it off." I say.
Steve goes to pull the tarp off when all of a sudden Eddie jumps out. He pulls Steve to the wall and hold a broken beer bottle to his throat.

"Woah Woah Woah Eddie! Eddie! Stop! Eddie! Eddie! It's me. It's Dustin. This is Steve. He's not going to hurt you, right, Steve?" Dustin says to Eddie.

"Yeah Right." Steve says.

Dustin looks over to me. I'm guessing he wants me to do something. So I reach my arm up and make the glass bottle fly to my hand and I place it on the ground. Eddie looks at my confused. I put my hands up to show i'm not going to hurt him.

"Hey Eddie, Im Astrin. Astrin May. I'm not going to hurt you. Why don't you just let Steve go okay?" Eddie then back off of Steve.

"He's cool. He's cool" Steve says

"Im cool man, I'm cool." Eddie says "What are you doing here?" Eddie asked confusedly.

"We're looking for you. We're here to help." Dustin responds.

boy this is gonna be quite the ride.

Idk why but this chapter took me over a hour. hopefully it'll go by faster when things pick up a bit.

I went over this chapter and made the writing better

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