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Of all the things Katsuki wishes he could do right now, it would be the ability to have Akasuki's quirk for a moment. She's been questioned by a vast variety of people close to the mission, including himself, but there's still something she's not sharing, and he wishes he could figure out what. Even now, as she's being questioned by the head of the commission, something is not sitting well with either of them. The thing about Katsuki though, is that he's Akasuki's friend first. As much as he wants to find Izuku and find out what's going on, he won't make her feel uncomfortable to get to the bottom of it all. He's more than capable of saving Izuku without forcing secrets out of Akasuki. They have what they need, and although the part she's leaving out could prove to be helpful, he can't bring himself to be that kind of person. He refuses to burn bridges in order to save one. Though he's sure she'd understand, he'd rather not deal with that. However, the commission head seems to not share the same sentiment and is growing impatient. And, that, he doesn't like.

"I'm going to ask one more time, are you sure that's everything? I'd answer wisely, ma'am. Withholding information could result in a very--"

"Hey, slow down. She said that's all," Katsuki reasons aloud. "If she said that's it, that's it. We have what we need, so it's time we start talking about our next step."

The head of the commission looks at him with enraged eyes and scoffs, "Sure. We'll be meeting in the next thirty minutes, be in your hero costume. We're locking down on this guy." Katsuki stands and Akasuki follows his example. They start to walk out of the room and the man stops him one last time. "Mr. Bakugo. I know that he has Mr. Midoriya, but you better act like you've got some sense moving into this."

He rolls his eyes and scoffs, "If anything because he has Deku, I'll be on my best behavior." He turns and grabs Akasuki's hand. "Come on, we have a lot to take care of before I head into that meeting." They both walk out of the safe house and to Katsuki's car, him rushing them both back to his apartment as quickly as he can. When he pulls up, he rushes them both inside. Eijiro and Shoto are already waiting inside the apartment when they walk in. He nods in Akasuki's direction, "She's ready when you guys are."

Akasuki rushes to his side and tugs his arm, "Wait! I'll be ready in a moment, but can I talk to you for a second?"

His eyes cut up to Eijiro who nods but taps his wrist as if to remind him of time. "Yeah, come on," he answers. He walks back to his bedroom and stops when he sees the hoodie that Izuku has been wearing around the house resting on top of the bed. It would be nice to give to him when he rescues him, but for now, there are other matters at hand. He turns and faces Akasuki. "Alright, what's going on?"

Akasuki shuffles on her feet for a minute before huffing loudly. "Katsu, there's some stuff that I haven't been fully transparent about."

"No shit, Su. You've been acting weird all night," he reasons, starting to shuck through his closet for the case he's kept his hero costume stowed away in. He tries to sound impassive, but he knows that it likely came off as more agitated than he intended it to. Agitation he can manage to get over, it's nothing new, but at least he didn't force Akasuki into anything.

"No. For longer than that," Akasuki says. "Look, Ena knew who Shinobu was from the beginning. That night, at dinner, when you mentioned him, she lied. I didn't understand it at the time, why she would lie. She knew about you guys from the beginning because you told her. I know as much, so it really phased me when she lied so easily. That said, I know now why she was hiding it. But, it's not because of what you might think, she was trying to protect herself. Ena and Shinobu are twins. She ran away when she was little and hadn't seen him since before they started middle school. She also had a quirk that she forcibly rid herself of," Akasuki explains.

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