"Marvin noooooo! No way!" Mahzianna screamed, jumping up and down

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"Marvin noooooo! No way!" Mahzianna screamed, jumping up and down. "This ain't real, you're lying."

"I swear it's all yours." Marvin laughed at Mahzianna's reaction.

"Mama, this is mine?!"

"Yes, girl unlock the doors." Angela laughed loudly, holding her stomach.

As instructed, Mahzianna pressed the unlock button on her key and squealed when she heard the locks pop.

"Stop ittttt!" She yelled.

"Get in, take your girl for a spin." Marvin instructed, swinging open the drivers side door so Mahzianna could climb inside.

"Why did you do this?" Mahzianna asked, on the verge of tears as she looked at the pink and black interior in her car.

"I told you, only the best, Birdie." Marvin shrugged.

"I love you." Mahzianna said, wrapping her arms around Marvin's neck.

"I love you." He responded, hugging her back. "I told you, us Taurus gotta show out by any means."

"Y'all coming?" Marvin asked Angela and Bryan.

"Nah, y'all go head." Bryan responded. "Gotta work on some stuff."

"Cool." Marvin nodded, closing Mahzianna's door and getting into the passenger seat.

"Windows tinted and everything." Mahzianna mumbled to herself, rubbing the steering wheel like it was made of silk.

"Turn it on." Marvin instructed as Mahzianna looked in amazement.

She did as she was told, turning the key and watching the car roar to life. With a smile, she peeled off from the curb and zoomed her way down the streets of Princetown.

"I gotta question, why'd you decide to help raise me?" Mahzianna asked, keeping her eyes glued to the open road in front of her. "Like you ain't my daddy, mama probably ain't expect you to act like you are, so why do it if you ain't gotta?"

"Because I'm not a lesser man, Birdie." Marvin said. "I was taught that when you love a woman, you gotta love everything that comes with her. You gotta love her kids, her attitude, her stinky morning breath." He laughed. "I love your mother, and I love you. What's different is that I don't love you just because I love her, I love you because you're who you are. Both of y'all are worth loving individually."

"Most men in your position would only love the lady he's supposed to be with, nevermind her bad ass kid." Mahzianna said. "I mean, I've heard about your...situation."

"My situation?" Marvin asked, cocking his head to the side in fake confusion.

"It doesn't matter I guess." Mahzianna said.

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