30 | i was just like her

Start from the beginning

"You're awake," Avery finally said, relief written all over his expression. "Are you feeling better?"

"Yes, thanks to you," I replied softly. Then, with a teasing tone, I said, "I heard you read me Little Women. I knew you liked the novel."

Then he did something that completely took me by surprise. He blushed.

Avery Dragomir blushed. The action was so unexpected and out of character, I couldn't help but let out a quiet, genuine laugh.

"You did," I said, smiling for the first time in a while. "You like the novel."

"I don't like the novel, but I happen to like the girl who does," he murmured.

I flushed. Of course, Avery had to make me blush so that we would be even. I wanted to simultaneously roll my eyes and kiss his cheek for being so endearing.

Before I could talk myself out of it, I leaned in and pressed a chaste kiss by his cheek. I whispered, "Thank you for saving me."

I hated relying on someone else or feeling like a damsel in distress, but it felt... nice to be saved once in a while.

"Vesper, I-" Avery cleared his throat. He seemed to be battling with what he was going to say to me but then his gaze hardened in conviction. "I think you should stop your revenge."

I flinched away from him. "What?"

"Stop pursuing what happened, Vesper," Avery said with a look that told me he knew I wouldn't react well to this but he would risk my anger if it was for my well being.

"Avery, I know you mean well for me but I'm not going to stop," I told him, breaking his sharp stare. "Ella... I owe it to her."

"You don't owe her anything," Avery snapped, hints of fury glimmering in his eyes. "You shouldn't have to endanger yourself for someone who-"

"Who what?" I demanded, my cheeks hot with emotion.

Avery clenched his jaw. "Someone who doesn't deserve it."

I blinked as if he slapped me. My stomach dropped as he removed his hand from mine. I didn't even realize he had been holding it.

"I can't even imagine all the horrible things they've done to Ella," I said, my voice hoarse. I sounded as if I were going to cry. "You saw what Gloria did to me,"

For a brief moment, Avery looked taken aback by my sudden vulnerability but something else hardened in his eyes. "Exactly, Vesper. Imagine what else they could do when you start digging further."

My lips parted. "She's worth the risk."

Avery stood abruptly, frustration in his actions. "I've told you this before but I'll repeat it again because you need to hear it. She's gone. Ella's gone and you've been manipulated by her quest for revenge. Your sister is gone but you're pursuing something empty."

My throat tightened as tears brimmed my eyes. "You don't know what you're saying."

Avery snapped as if he couldn't hold in his words anymore. "Do you think I haven't noticed your grief, Vesper? You barely sleep, you barely eat, you barely do anything but pretend. You do nothing but think about what happened to Ella. Do you think no one else has noticed that you shut yourself into your room for hours?"

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