Traps and Tic Tacs

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Why.......why come here? Out of all the places out of Ninjago?

If there was any place Nyx didn't want to return to, it was the psycho academy her and Lloyd escaped from.

Pythor, her and Lloyd roamed the halls after just finishing a few booby traps. Tying up the other students were easier said than done, but they completed the task nonetheless. Once they laid eyes on Nyx they became paralyzed with terror. Most fought back against the Anacondrai, but proved to be menial to his strength. 

"Woah, you barely broke a sweat back there! If those trained students couldn't take you down, I'm sure the ninja don't stand a chance!"

Pythor gleamed a prideful grin. "Oh you are too kind." 

"Why was this a good idea, again?" Nyx asked with an irked tone. 

"Cause they underestimated us Nyx!" Lloyd argued. "You hated those bullies. Remember? So now we can give em a taste of their own medicine!"

"I already did that. I taught them their lesson, and they haven't forgotten Lloyd. That's why they're still afraid of me." She hopped over a small tripwire they set up. "I'm not gonna shove it down their throats." 

"Well, yeah. But I didn't get to have my revenge! And I also wanted to get a chance to face off Ninjago's greatest heros: the Ninja!" The blonde boy ran ahead of her and Pythor. Burning with excitement and passion. "Pythor! I'm gonna be on the roof with the canon we set up. You and Nyx can join me once you both set up the last trap, ok?" Before any of the animals could protest, Lloyd was gone. 

How wonderful......

Pythor cleared his throat. "I already have completed all of the traps. I didn't tell him that I finished."

The cheetah cocked her head in confusion. "Why?"

"The boy talks too much. I could barely form a sentence before his mouth ran off."

"So, what now?"

"I figured it'd be nice if we both had a little private chat." He put his clawed hand on Nyx's back, leading him and her down the hallway. As if they were lifelong friends strolling with a simple conversation. 

"About what exactly? You said you didn't want me in your way."

He chuckled. "I've seen what your kind is like. Cats like you, are more curious than a fruit fly. I have a feeling you'll be putting your nose in my business no matter what I say or do." He stopped once they reached the stairs to the roof. "So, I'll make a deal with you. I tell you a smidge for what I have in store, and you answer a question of mine. Sound fair?" 

He wasn't wanting to strike a fight with her. Perhaps if he gave her a small clue she'd be satisfied and leave him be. Whatever detail he was going to tell her was probably going to be as miniscule as the brain cells in Lloyd's head at the moment. 

Nyx sighed, and nodded. "Ok."

"I'm wanting to set things as they should be, and what should've been done years ago. So, I'm planning on getting some allies of my own."


"That's the smidge of it. You're not getting any more than that my dear." he crossed his arms with a smirk. Glad that he was acting vague with his goal. "Now, here's my question to you: How did someone like you acquire the power you possess?"

"I obtained it when I lost my eyesight." Nyx explained. "I'm not gonna share my whole life story, but that's the gist of it." 

"Fair enough."

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