The Dawn of a New History

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I will try to post songs that fit some chapters. This is the last chapter that will not have a song but I will have one for the next chapter. 

Life went on, and Darkely's School for young villains continued to open its doors to any young cunning minds into its academy. Lloyd and Nyx were inseparable friends, and did not mind the hollers and name-calling given by their peers. None of it mattered. They continued to love each other like family. But even still, words can pierce like a sword.  

And one day, Lloyd had had enough of it.


"Yeah, Lloyd?" Nyx turned her head to the sound of his gentle voice. The two of them were gathering notes for the final exams coming up next week. The library was practically filled to the brim with students including the two friends. The boy sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. 

" like it, here?" 

She paused for a moment, and raised her brow at him. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, here at Darkely's. Every exam we take its never good enough. No one takes us seriously here."

"True, but they fear us," Nyx pointed out. 

"That's because you have a gift. I don't have cool powers like you." 

The dark cheetah chuckled. "You might. You're the son of the Dark Lord for Ninjago's sake! I mean, maybe you haven't unlocked it yet. Ya know?"

"Yeah, yeah, but what does it matter? This place has literally taught us everything we already know! And all we ever get is people bullying us because we're friends!" Lloyd threw himself into a nearby chair. 

"What's wrong with a mutant being friends with a human? You shouldn't care what those losers think." Nyx said as she came to sit by him. 

Lloyd only huffed in response. But then, his eyes lit up as if his brain were struck by lightning. "Speaking of mutants, you remember what we learned the other day in history class?"

"UGGHHH! That's like my least favorite subject! But what Lloyd?"

"Remember those creatures who the Elemental masters fought in that war? What was it again?"

Nyx cocked her ears curiously. "You mean, the Serpentine Wars?" 

"Yeah! Yeah! The Serpentine! They were trapped in those tombs, right?"

The cheetah shot up from her seat, the glass around her spinning fiercely. "Lloyd, what are you exactly implying here?! That we open those tombs?!"

The boy shrugged. "Hey, no one's gonna take us seriously here. And if we wanna actually be real villains one day, might as well take fate by our own hands. I'm tired of waiting around here and learning useless things I'll never need in life!"

"Lloyd! They were trapped for a reason! God knows for whatever they did, but how can we even be sure they'll help us? Like in revenge or world domination or whatever."

Lloyd was about to answer, but his mouth went dry. But then he whispered. "Aren't they mutants, like you? I met you and you weren't so bad."

"You're comparing apples to oranges, Lloyd. I'm a cheetah. They're literal snakes."

He sighed, but grabbed her hand pleadingly. "Please, Nyx? Can't we at least try to find at least one tomb? Didn't you used to tell me how you always wished something more interesting would happen around here?"

That was true, he got her there. But, even so, she learned to be content with the life she had. However the voice whispering in the corners of her mind, yearning for adventure and freedom beyond the school, was still alive inside her. 

She groaned softly, and placed her hand on Lloyd's shoulder. "If you can find the map of the tombs, then I'll go with you. If not, we stay here, got it?"

The boy's smile grew into a sly grin. "Actually, I know exactly where it is. But, we have to wait til tonight."

"Why tonight?" Nyx asked. 

"Because the only place in this school that carries such ancient history is in the library archives. And the Headmaster is the only one who has the key."

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