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"It's time to par-tay!!" Mina giggled as everyone gathered in the common room.

"I brought the magic juice!" Kaminari said excitedly as he clunked a brown paper bag down on the table.

"Wait don't we need food first?" Hakagure questioned.

"Got that covered too," Kirishima responded from the kitchen.

It was a night of celebration. Finals and the school year were officially over, meaning they only had a couple more days together before summer vacation. Several students had to attend special summer school, but for the rest, it was up to them wether they would work as a temp at a hero agency or train on their own. Todoroki had decided to give it a go and finally help his dad out at his agency. Their break was only a few weeks after all, and he could endure that much of hell if it helped him improve.

He hadn't talked to Yaoyorozu yet about her plans, it just never seemed like the right time and plus, he didn't like the thought of her having to return home to her abuse parents. She sat down beside him on the couch and handed him a plate of food, "Here, I got us both plates."

"Thank you. They really did go all out for tonight, didn't they?" He asked as he gratefully dug into the array of junk food.

"Mhm," she hummed with a mouthful of food before swallowing, "some people are leaving for home as early as tonight."

"For you two love birds," Jirou interrupted, shoving a glass of what they presumed was an alcoholic beverage in their faces.

"Oh, I don't think we'll be drinking," Momo politely refused.

"Now's not the time to hold back, ya know. We've got no class tomorrow so bring on the hangover!" Mina cheered.

"Hangovers are so overrated," Yaoyorozu retorted, rolling her eyes.

"You've drank before?" Shoto asked, turning to Yaoyorozu.

"Yeah... isn't it normal at our age?" She replied, giving him a worried expression.

"Well, it's just..." he said scratching the back of his neck, "I've never done it myself."

"Ohhh what do we have here? A first timer??" Kaminari called out, sauntering over to them. This got everyone's attention and soon there was a crowd around Todoroki.

"You gotta try it once."

"I want to see Todoroki drunk!"

"We've got your back man."

He sighed and looked at Yaoyorozu, "What do you think?"

"It can't be that bad. I'll stay sober and keep you from over doing it, if you want. Some people don't even do weird stuff when they're drunk so don't worry about it too much," she smiled reassuringly at him.

"Okay then, but take my phone just in case." He handed her his phone and took the cup. It didn't smell too horrible, in fact there was a little fruity hint to it.

"It's the house special, so it'll go down nice and easy," Mina winked at him.

"Word to that raccoon eyes!" Bakugou shouted. He was waving an empty cup around as Kirishima tried to get him to sit down.

Wordlessly Todoroki took a sip of the drink. It was like soda, but the chill of the ice turned into a fiery heat as it went down his throat. He finished his cup and looked around, "I don't feel any different."

"You have to let it get in your system," Yaoyorozu laughed at him.

"Here, take a refill," Kaminari said, already in the middle of pouring him another cup.

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