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Todoroki was pleased when Yaoyorozu decided to sit next to him at lunch. He loved to see her smiling and interacting with everyone. Still, the memories of her tears from last night kept pulling at his thoughts.

He knew all too well that if she kept on bottling her feelings, one day she would either completely explode, or worse, implode. He had to find a way to open opportunities for her to continue talking to him.

"Momo, I've been wanting to ask you something," he asked, turning to her.

"Could you help me study?" He figured this was the simplest way to spend more time with her.

"Uhh, Shoto, you're one of the top 5 students in the class. You don't really need me to help you study," she replied. He loved the way she said his name, he felt as if he could listen to her talk all day.

"I'm not THE top student in our class though, and that's my new goal." If he had to challenge her to get her to accept, then that's what he would do,"What better way to reach it than to be tutored by my rival?"

Her cheeks were a soft shade of pink, which made him smile. However, she still had a doubtful look on her face, and he couldn't let her refuse his offer. He sighed inwardly, she was really going to make him say it, wasn't she?

He leaned in closer to her, the loose hairs that didn't fit into her ponytail tickling his nose. This wasn't something he said often, and he didn't want the others getting used to seeing him beg. No, these words were just for Yaoyorozu.

"Please, Mo-chan?" He felt heat radiating off her face, and wondered for a moment if she had a secret heat quirk like him.

"Uhhhhh sure. I can help you study. I'll let you know when I'm free later, ok?" She said in a quiet voice. The others at the table began teasing him about being "too strong already," or whatever. Even though he looked away from her, all he could focus on was the beautiful flush of color in her checks and the deepness of her eyes. He was going to enjoy studying a lot more now.


After classes were over, he texted her about studying together. Last night he had put his contact info in her phone, he didn't want her to feel like she didn't have anyone to turn to next time she broke down like that. He had also been concerned about her finding her way back to the school when she woke up, but he might have been stressing the details with that one.

Momo: Tsu and Toru made me promise to get some rest this afternoon, I told them I was up studying late last night.

Shoto: Sooo...tomorrow?

Momo: Sure. I usually study in my room but we can study in the common room so we don't get yelled at.

Shoto: Ok :) looking forward to it.

Shoto: How are you feeling today?

Momo: Better than last night :p Much better, actually.

Shoto: Good to hear :) if you need anything just let me know

Momo: Ok:)

While he was wondering if he should keep talking to her or not, he decided to edit her contact name to "Mo-chan". It had a nice ring to it, and he wanted to see it every time she messaged him. It felt like getting a piece of candy, sweet and unexpected.

He decided to leave her to get some rest, she could probably use it. He put his phone down and leaned back, staring at the ceiling. His hand reflexively went to his scar, as he would rub his fingertips over the uneven skin anytime he was deep in thought.

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