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When he rounded the corner, Yaoyorozu was still out of sight. He started to panic, not knowing where she went, but then the sound of her sobbing arose from the bushes. He mentally checked himself, then softly walked over to her. She was hiding, crouched down with her face in her knees and her back towards him.

"Momo, tell me what's happening. Please. We can sort this out." He was met by silence, her shuddering sobs the only communication she could offer.

"Can you tell me why you said it's your fault? I think you're an amazing friend, I don't think you did anything wrong."

"Wh-when y-you got s-so angry yest-terday, you k-kept saying, 'Momo shouldn't have to deal with... ', 'people need to treat you better', 'how could your parents... ', 'they make me sick', 'I should have...' and then you punched the wall and got all messed up. It's because of me and the things I tell you that you lost it. If you didn't know what I've been through, if I wasn't so pathetic, everything would be ok. Everything is my fault." Her words stumbled out of her mouth.

He rubbed her back, soaking in what she had said, trying to understand. He must have unconsciously spoke his thoughts when he went into a rage. His mind put together what her words could not, 'Does she mean that she blames herself? For my reaction? For what her parents did to her? For trying to move on from it all?'

Todoroki had seen his mother go down this path before. To carry such a weight, and to remove oneself from people who truly care, it is a burden no one can carry. To wear guilt for actions that aren't yours only makes things worse. To lose sight of what is precious to you because you are glaring at what is wrong- it leads to destruction.

"Shoto, you're just too good for me. That's why I said what I did." She brought him out of his thoughts as she spoke up again, a bit calmer this time.

"Mo-chan," he used the nickname he had given her, enveloping her in his arms, "You are the one who is better than me, but if you can't see that now that's okay, just believe that at least, we're on the same level. You are so important to me, I can't lose you. I wouldn't ever want you to walk out my life. You never have to be alone again. And I promise to not get angry like that again, I'll work on not overreacting. I want you to do something for me too, okay?" She hugged his arms that were holding her from behind, finally reaching out to him.

"Okay. I'll do anything. I don't want to lose you either." At her words, his heart swelled with emotions he hadn't prepared for. He lowered his head to rest in her neck, taking in her scent and feeling her silky skin. His scar touched her neck, and she brought one of her hands up to hold his cheek.

"Mo-chan, stay with me. I'll help you start to stand up for yourself so I don't have to. I'll help you become the best Hero Japan has ever seen."

"Yes, that sounds perfect Shoto."

They sat together until Yaoyorozu had calmed down completely. Todoroki still didn't want to let go, but it was getting late and they needed to eat something. He rubbed her shoulder and lifted his head.

"Hey, can I take you out to dinner? As a way for me to apologize and to treat you." He had in mind a special restaurant, one where his sister used to take him after a particularly hard day. It was his way of sharing something incredibly special with someone who had become so special to him.

"I can't go out like this!! My face is all red and blotchy!" Yaoyorozu turned, pointing at her face. It had quite the opposite effect on Todoroki, he thought she looked beautiful, especially when she got so animated. He was already running on impulses, and a feverish desire for contact washed over him.

"Here, I'll fix it for you," he said as he leaned closer. He gently grabbed her hands and peppered her face with kisses, his soft lips covering every inch of her skin. A surprised smile danced on her lips. He was also pleased to see the redness leave her eyes and migrate to her cheeks.

Yūgen: TodoMomoOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant