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The written exam was finally over. Yaoyorozu took her first relaxed breath of the day as she walked out of the classroom. She had known all the answers, but she was still anxious to get the results back.

"See you in a few hours," Todoroki said as he walked out the classroom behind her. She smiled and waved as he rushed in the direction of the dorms. 'He's probably so done with school and studying right now,' Yaoyorozu thought as she laughed internally. She always pushed herself too hard before a big test, but unfortunately this time Todoroki had been dragged into it too. But for the record, having a focused partner really did help her learn more effectively.

It was just.... she found herself focusing on the wrong things sometimes when they were together. Her self-discipline rarely slipped up when it came to academics, so she could buckle down when doing homework, but there were some moments she couldn't get out of her head.

She began to notice every time their hands touched, or any part of their bodies for that matter. Sometimes she would accidentally get lost in his eyes, and the world would melt away for a split second before she caught herself staring.

For the life of her, she could not shake the memory of him kissing her face. His lips were much softer than she had expected. Secretly, she knew she had fallen for him and fallen hard. She admired how humble he was, how intelligent he was, and most of all she loved how she felt being by his side.

He didn't compare her to other people. He didn't expect her to be better than everyone else, but yet he still made her feel as if she were. He was the polar opposite of her own parents. She dare not do much more than merely acknowledge these emotions, afraid it would jinx her newfound happiness.

As she daydreamed about Todoroki, she recalled that he had asked her to come to his dorm today. She had only been there a few times and never stayed long, so she was particularly curious as to what he had planned. He said it was a special gift for her as a reward for studying so hard these past couple weeks. She had never gotten a reward for studying before, only punishments for failing to perform well.

She shook her head, deciding that the more she thought about it the more nervous she'd get. For now, all she had to do was hang out with everyone else until this evening. Of course, it wouldn't be the same without Todoroki there...


Yaoyorozu tucked a stray lock of hair behind her ear and knocked gently on Todoroki's dorm door. It opened within a split second. He stood in front of her looking like he always did, but for some reason her stomach did a little flip.

They had both changed out of their school uniforms and into comfier clothing. Yaoyorozu wore shorts and a designer t-shirt, while Todoroki had on sweatpants and a black tank top. The hair at the nape of her neck tingled as her eyes did a quick scan of his body. His arms looked more defined up close, that was for sure.

"Momo, hey, uh, come on in." He opened the door wider for her to walk in. He had pulled his chair out from the desk and motioned for her to sit down.

"I only have one chair, since it's usually just me, so you can sit here and I'll sit on the floor." He walked over to a corner of the room and pulled out a sitting cushion.

"Get one for me too! I'd rather join you," she did not feel comfortable sitting in a chair while he was on the floor. He was just gonna have to deal with sharing the tatami mat.

"If you insist," he replied, tossing a cushion towards her. She caught it, and saw a smile flash over his face, but he quickly returned to the poker face he always wore. They sat side by side titled slightly towards each other, close enough to talk but far enough to not be touching.

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