Chapter 12

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"Nor, wait up!" I called
"What?" she spat back "Are you going to tease me like the others?"
"Never. I just don't want you to be alone."

At that moment, Drea came running

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that. I really thought I was different than them. Every time I did something mean, I told myself, 'This isn't me.' 'This is just who I have to be to survive.' But that was a fucking lie. It was just a story I told myself to make myself feel better about the fact that I was just a toxic bitch. Does any of this make you feel better? Because I'm fucking miserable."
"No, of course I don't feel better. I feel like shit."
"So do I Fuck."
"What are you doing? No, no. Stop it, Drea. Drea, don't!" yelled Eleanor as Drea stamped on the brooch
"None of this is gonna make us feel better, okay? We can't erase what we did to each other, but I don't wanna hurt you anymore, and I don't think you wanna hurt me either. The only times I ever felt happy this year... were when I was with you two. You might be the only real friends I've ever had. And I know this probably means nothing now, but... if I could go back in time to when we were kids... I would tell you, 'You're the coolest person I've ever met.' Because you are. And I will regret what I did to you forever. So, I'm sorry, Eleanor... for everything."

"Whoo! Wow. What a heartwarming display of female friendship." said Max, suddenly appearing with a slow clap
"Did you just enter doing a slow clap, you cliche piece of shit?" I growled at him
"Oh, I'm a piece of shit? Okay. I think you should look at Drea. 'Cause you ladies have been very, very busy this year, haven't you?"
"How did you get that?" asked Drea
"You put your phone in a locked bag at my party. You didn't think I was gonna look through it?"
"You really are the devil." spat Eleanor
"Mean. It's upsetting that my entrepreneurial spirit has to be reduced to such petty name-calling. But back to you three. The texts. They're a great read. That was compelling shit. So, you three meet, and then Drea hatches this plan, but then you come to find out that Eleanor's been playing you the entire time, and turns Ophelia half against you? Like... I did not see that coming at all. Also, I gotta... Eleanor, Ophelia, I thought we had a whole will-they-won't-they thing going on. Now I find out you were pretending? Sad."
"Where are you going with this, Max? What's your plan?"
"Well... I put you through enough. I was just gonna let it all go."
"No, not really. Why would I do that? I hate you. No, I know all your secrets now, so I'm gonna use all the resources at my discretion to absolutely annihilate the three of you. You know how Drea and I met? It was on the first day of freshman year. I was in the library, and I overheard someone just verbally eviscerating a teacher, and I just thought, 'Who is that?' You were no one. You were just some transplant scholarship girl who looked completely out of place, and I welcomed you into my world. And then what did you do? You used me. Because no one would've given a shit about you if it wasn't for me, and there was no gratitude from you. There was no, 'Thank you, Max, for making me matter.' Honestly, that Teen Vogue video was my breaking point. Drea, you're a conniving, selfish sociopath who just uses everyone around you to get exactly what you want. And so am I. Which is the source of the problem, because... most people, if they met a clone of themselves, they would just be elated. But you and I, we would bury it alive. Which is what I had to do to you. So I told you I loved you. I got you to make that video. And then I sent it to the entire school."
"Was any of it real?"
"I don't know. Was it? Okay. I'm gonna go back to my party now and do fucking coke off a girl's butthole... or her belly or something. I don't know. All right. Well, bye, Dre. I really will miss you."
"Why the fuck are you laughing?" said Drea angrily whilst Eleanor laughed
"It's called double assurance, sweetie. Look it up. We got him." she smirked, holding another camera-brooch
"Goddamn, do I love you right now."
"Drea, don't you try to take her way from me" I joke snarled
"Oh my God. Oh. So, we're okay? Yeah. I think so. Drea, I'm so sorry. No. It's okay. I think the three of us might be fucked-up soulmates. I know I said taking him down wouldn't make us feel better, but... Oh. Let's do revenge."
"Let's do revenge." I smiled

Falling for a psychopath | Eleanor x Fem!Oc - Do RevengeМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя