Chapter 3

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"Oh my god" exclaimed Drea "You're right. You're absolutely right. They deserve to go down for what they did to us, but we can't go after them ourselves. We should team up and do each other's revenge."
"Absolutely not" said Eleanor
"Because I'm not capable?" she shrugged "I can't do revenge. I mean, is 'do revenge' even, like, correct grammar?"
"Oh, I'm sorry, Schoolhouse Rock! Are you dragging my sentence structure right now?"
"Uh, we could get caught. We could not graduate. We could get expelled."
"We won't get caught. That's the whole point. No one knows we know each other, right? So no one will connect us to them, to each other. It's literally perfect. With my brains and your... blank slate, we can get away with this. Don't you wanna make her pay?"
"I don't want to make her pay. I want to burn her to the ground."
"Um, hello, I still exist?" I pointed out
"You can help Eleanor take you Max. Two gals is better than one." said Drea with a smile
"Alright" I sighed
"But if we're gonna make this work, we have to fix..." remarked Drea
 "No." sighed Eleanor
"I really don't want to."
"We have to do..."
"Oh, please don't say a makeover."
"...a makeover!"
"Yay!" I exclaimed
"It feels so problematic." she whined
 "It is, but it's fun!" smiled Drea

We were heading to one of the most expensive malls to buy her new clothes.

"Let's start with Carissa. She'll be a cinch. I can ruin her in my sleep. Moving on to Max."
"Wait go back, why will Carissa be easy?" asked Eleanor
"Oh, honey, it is much easier to destroy a girl. Take your pick. Slut-shame her, turn her friends against her, prey on her vanity, turn her into a troll, exploit her darkest secrets. Make her radioactive, and no one will help her." said Drea, picking out various clothes "It just so happens that I have to do mandatory community service this year as penance for punching Max. I already emailed the headmaster and requested the school farm, which is run by Carissa. Now, dudes, that's another story. For girls, our bodies, our choices, our thoughts are all policed by shame. Our weaknesses are their strengths. If they have a lot of sex, they're crushing it. If we do it, we're sluts. If they're angry, they're powerful, but if we show any emotion... We're hysterical!" she yelled the last bit
"Ladies! Indoor voices please!" remarked an angry lady and I gave Eleanor a look of I-told-you-so.
"Wait, how much are we cutting?" asked Eleanor
"Just a little bit" I said
"If men in general are hard to take down, Max is patriarchy incarnate. The ultimate manic pixie dream boy, Max has a meticulously curated persona. Rosehill is an orchestra, and Max is its conductor. Everyone loves him, which means he can get away with anything. I want to expose him. And to do that, we need undeniable proof that he's a hypocrite, a fake-woke, misogynist motherfucker. If we can accomplish that, he's done."
After a pause, she added "You are now and forevermore the coolest, most mysterious student at Rosehill Country Day. I'm Frankenstein, and you're Frankenstein's bad bitch. Your new vibe is high-status cunt. You ready to be my woman on the inside, along with Ophelia?"
"Oh I sure am!" I said, still gazing at Eleanor
"No, for sure no."
"It'll be fine, we'll have each other!" I said, giving her a small hug "You look beautiful by the way."

Falling for a psychopath | Eleanor x Fem!Oc - Do RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now