Chapter 1

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Ophelia's POV

Drea and I were at tennis camp. I was lounging on one of the chairs as she destroyed every opponent in her way. Recently, her ever so high reputation had dropped to rock bottom when her sex tape for her ex-boyfriend, Max, probably leaked it.

After about an hour, she sat down at my table, scrolling through her phone when a girl approached us.

"It was Erica" she said, looking from me to Drea "The one who showed everyone that video of you. Erica Norman. She sucks, she's mean in a way I didn't know existed. She's like a Bitchasaurus Rex."

I almost laughed, but held it in when Drea sent me a death glare.

"I'm sorry, who are you?" asked Drea
"I don't need your pity, Eleanor."

A day later, Erica was discovered with having cocaine on her.

"This is insane!" yelled Erica towards the policeman who was dragging her away "I don't even do cocaine!"
"Don't you think I would know if she was doing cocaine?" added her friend
"What's up?" asked Drea in a nonchalant tone
"I know you did this! You fra- She framed me!" she continued shouting
"Are you listening to yourself right now? You think I framed you?"
"You framed her!"
"Babe... Are you on drugs right now?"
"I don't do cocaine! I don't even know what it looks like!"

After that, they took her away.

A few days later...

Drea's car wouldn't start, and I roll my eyes as we had both come in the same car. 

"Hey!" says Eleanor "I know that sound, you're bricked. My dad repairs classic cars. Do you want a ride or... Do you still not want my pity?"

I thank her on behalf of Drea and get in the back middle seat.

"I didn't watch the video by the way" 
"Congrats, you're one of the only people who didn't."
"Is that your ex who leaked it?"
"Are you gonna talk the entire ride? How do you even know about that?"
"C'mon Drea, don't be mean" I chimed in
"I'm actually transferring to Rosehill. I, um... I saw a post about it."
"Moving before senior year?" I asked "Brutal"
"What happened to him?" she asked Drea, turning back to her "Your ex?"
"Nothing I'm the slut on probation, and he and his tiny little dick get away scot-free. They always get away scot-free."
"Mhm... I know what it's like to get screwed over by someone you thought you could trust." she mused "When I was 13, uh, I went to day camp with this girl, and she existed on this like... untouchable plane. She glowed. I pretty much already knew that I liked girls, but I hadn't told anyone yet. But this girl, I guess I thought that if she liked me, it would validate my entire existence or something, and I finally talked to her, and... it was great. Like, she made me feel so free and confident and safe. And before I knew it, I told her that I was queer. And it felt... amazing. I mean, like, it was the single greatest moment of my life. But I guess I wasn't as safe as I thought because she told everyone that I tried to hold her down and kiss her."
"What?" I asked in disbelief when she had told her story
"Uh, damn" said Drea
"Yeah. Um... It wasn't that she outed me. I... I don't care. Everybody's fucking gay. I just... She turned me into this predator. No one would come near me. She destroyed me."
"No consequences for her, I assume?" I said
"Nope. She actually goes to Rosehill"
"Really? Who?" inquired Drea, interested
"Carissa Jones"
"Carissa... Wait, that crunchy granola lesbi..." pondered Drea "Damn, outed by your own team?"

Hey! Thanks for reading the first chapter! I've already written a few more, and will try my best ti post one per day. I hope you enjoy!

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