Chapter 4

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"It's gonna be fine. My entire life I've been a chameleon. Sometimes you have to pretend to be someone else to get what you want."
"Do you every worry you'll lose yourself?"
"Oh my God! Don't be so dramatic. All I'm asking you to do is disassociate from your body and be someone you're not so these popular kids will invite you to be in their group."
"Drea," I sighed "It sounds bad when you say it like that."
"Are you in therapy?" asked Eleanor
"God no"

"And we're not concerned that Max is going to realize that we're manipulating him?"
"Narcissists are to busy thinking about themselves to realize they're being played."

The next day, we were back at school. Getting a girl's attention requires weeks, if not months of work. But according to Drea, getting a guy's attention requires you walking past them once looking vaguely slutty, so Eleanor and I would walk past Max and his friend. It seemed to work as he was staring at both of us until we made way to the common room, and they followed us. We sat down on two armchairs and they approached us.

"Who are you texting?" he asked
"My ex-girlfriend is mad that I hooked up with my ex-boyfriend." answered Eleanor
"Can I see your hand, please?"
"This okay?"
"Mm-hmm. I'm having a, um... party this weekend. It's a little pre-homecoming celebration. You should come. Both of you" he added, winking at me. Disgusting.
"Make your exes jealous."
"We'll think about it." I said, putting on a fake smile
"Cool. Just, uh, don't think too hard. Bring your swimsuit, floaty. It's gonna be lit." added his friend, Elliot

"Yes!" I whispered once they had left. Drea was above us, and we all did a little dance together.

A few days skip

Sitting once again at Eleanor's, we were getting ready for the party. I had a cute, black bikini and long black coat with sunglasses. Eleanor was getting changed, we had bought her a yellow bikini and sunset robe.
"Do I really have to wear this?" she asked
 "Yes!" I exclaimed
"You have to look impossibly hot but also like you spent exactly one minute putting yourself together. It's important that the girls covet your look." added Drea "Why are you wiggling around like your tampon's sliding out?"
"I haven't worn a bathing suit in public, like, ever."
"Carissa really did a number on you, huh? Forget her. You are so much cooler than any of those dodos going to Max's party." I told her
"I just want to eat my lunch on her shattered ego."
"I love that for you. We're gonna take care of her soon. There's a greenhouse with this massive padlock on it that only she can access, and my Spidey senses tell me she's not just growing sunchokes in there. I need to get her keys."
"Great" I said
"Perfect!" she exclaimed, after putting hats on both of us
"Now, you two go get the dirt on Max and make revenge mommy proud."

Falling for a psychopath | Eleanor x Fem!Oc - Do RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now