Chapter 5

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We knocked on the door, and I could see her stressed, so I squeezed her hand to comfort her. She gave me a little smile just before Max opened the door.

"Uh, yes. Thanks."
"Over here! I'll introduce you to some friends, all right? These are good people. Yo. Kids, this is Eleanor. and Ophelia" he said, introducing us to his group as they all greeted us
"Come join us!" exclaimed Tara
"Come on, get cozy" added Max
"Why don't I know you two?" asked Tara
"They're new. But Ellie and Ophy are one of us now."
"Aw, I love it."

I stayed as a distraction while Eleanor snuck into the house. A few minutes later though, Tara and Max also left, leaving me alone with the others.

After a few hours, we finally left.

"Lia, you wont believe it, but he's hooking up with the Instagram witch"
"Honestly, predictable. Drea's gonna be excited though!"

We met up inside the school during the weekend.

"So, how was Max's party?"
"You know what? It was actually really fun." I said
"They got this hilarious boomerang of me jumping into the pool." added Eleanor
"Oh my God. A boomerang of you jumping in the pool. Can I see it?"
"You weren't there to bank social content. You were there to get dirt on Max." she said angrily, throwing Eleanor's phone on the floor
"Max is cheating on Tara with Allegra. I saw his texts." I said
"The Instagram witch?"
"Yeah!" exclaimed Eleanor
"Oh my God. This is amazing. Girls, you crushed it. Great work!"
"Two seconds ago, you threw my phone in the dirt."
"Yeah, and now I'm happy with you again. Keep up. Wait. Did you get screenshots of the texts?"
"Not yet."
"Mad at you. Both of you."
"Do you really think Carissa's growing drugs?" asked Eleanor "Because I want to get her, but I don't want to send her to jail."
"First of all, Carissa's rich, white ass is never going to jail. Second of all, the headmaster would rather Rosehill burned to the ground than have a public drug scandal on her hands." I told her
"Oh my fucking God." I said, looking at the drugs she was growing
"Carissa, you bad girl." added Drea
"So, um, what now?" asked Eleanor
"I think it's pretty obvious. We put these mushrooms in whatever bougie foodie bullshit Carissa's cooking for the senior class ring dinner, dosing the entire class and exposing her for the fraud that she is. Then, while everyone's tripping balls, you steal Max's phone and get us those texts." explained Drea
"That was not obvious."
 "Really? It's fine. I'm sure it's fine"

Falling for a psychopath | Eleanor x Fem!Oc - Do RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now