Chapter 2

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We eventually arrived to a restaurant where we order grilled cheeses. I couldn't help but staring at Eleanor in silence as the two of them were talking, she was just so beautiful.

"Why don't you transfer?" Eleanor asked Drea
"Transfer where?"
"I'm not like you, Eleanor. My mom is a nurse who spent her whole life working to ensure I can have a better future. I can't mess this up, and Rosehill is my only path to Yale, so..."
"What about your friends?"
"You mean Max's friends, other than Ophelia? I didn't realize how much power he wielded. You know, he makes you feel so safe and protected, but it's all conditional on you playing the role he wants you to play, which I thought I was doing, but I guess not."
"We all love an emotional terrorist." I scoffed
"Yeah, they're so fun."
"What about you?" I asked "Why would you wanna go to school with some bitch who ruined your life?"
"I don't. I begged go to Dalton or Spence, but as much as I like to believe I'm the arbiter of my own social calendar, my parents still call the shots, and they think that Rosehill is the best path into an Ivy."
"They're not wrong."
"I'm dreading it." added Drea
"Same." responded Eleanor

The next day, I was sitting on a ledge close to the entrance of Rosehill, waiting to meet up with Eleanor.

"Hey Eleanor!" I greeted her as she arrived
"Hey Lia"
"Did you just shorten my name?"
"I did"
"Anyways, would you like a tour of the school?"
"I mean, as a disciple of the '90s teen movie, I would be offended if I didn't get one."
"If you get offended, Rosehill does have a designated safe space for that." I chuckled "Alright, so over here, we have our Instagram witches. Allegra, their leader, apparently made a girl levitate at a sleepover playing Light as a Feather. Now she's queen of the zodiac thots, and she's a Scorpio."
"The horny theater kids. Last year, they tried to mount a mostly white production of Hamilton. Lin-Manuel Miranda sent a cease and desist. Um, coming up, we have our farm kids. They run the school farm led by... Carissa. When her request to make Rosehill go vegan was denied, she left her DivaCup in the middle of the cafeteria in protest."
"Um... Anyways, who are they?" she asked, looking at the most popular group
"Rosehill's royal court, the cream of the incredibly entitled crop. Be careful with them. They're all as calculated as they are beautiful. And Drea, their fallen queen. Come, I'll take you to the main hall. They're bound to start the back-to-school speech at any time."

"Hello, hello, hello." said the man "Please take a seat. We have an announcement from your senior class president Max Broussard!"
"Is that her ex?" whispered Eleanor in my ear. Dang, that was hot.
"Rosehill!" he exclaimed "Now, this... this year, uh, this is gonna be such a great year. But before we get started, I was hoping maybe I could get personal for a minute. Get personal, man. Last year, my intimate exchanges made their way into the world. It was a violation of my privacy. To be honest, I'm still recovering, but it really made me get in touch with myself, and I realized that... Actually... Actually, Drea Torres, could you stand, please? Please. Could you stand? Please? What? Where are you? Dre?" she finally stood up, glaring at him "Dre, I just want to say how sorry I am for what happened to you last year. And to anyone of you who watched, or you shared that video, I sincerely hope you take the time to examine why you did that. So, Dre, it's in your honor that I'm founding a new club, the Cis Hetero Men Championing Female-Identifying Students League. Now, it is for all the men at Rosehill who want to do better. Be allies. Thank you."

Drea left, and I took Eleanor's hand, dragging her away to follow her.
"Drea?" I asked "Hi, we just wanted to check up on you. Are you alright?"
"He's like, way worse than you described" added Eleanor
"I don't see how I'm gonna spend an entire year at this school" she sighed
"I talked to Carissa for, like, one minute, and it felt like dipping my toe in Dante's eighth circle of hell. It was... awful. I wish that we could, like, hire people to take them down. What? Like a fucked-up TaskRabbit? Yeah. Someone completely unconnected to us. A high school hit man... or woman or enby."
"What?" I asked "Like a fucked up task rabbit?"
"Mhm, someone completely unconnected to us."

Falling for a psychopath | Eleanor x Fem!Oc - Do RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now