Chapter 182: Caught In The Web

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The tides were turning in the hallway, it seemed the rebels had won. However, Lin still wasn't defeated yet. An ornate web surrounded Rou's ice as the rebels all stood together at a safe distance, ready to defend themselves in case puppet Lin decided to unleash anymore fire attacks onto them, but this time only he would be harmed. As he fired up his fire attack, Lin's gaze locked on the wall. With a great burst of force, he launched his attack with full power at the wall.

Things went just as expected, as the flaming force made contact, the web deflected it right back at the puppet. As Lin grunted, the five fighters crossed their fingers that it was going to work. Lin slowly got up, shaking his charred hand at the group, desperately trying to attack again but only falling to the floor. Rou approached him with less caution than before, "Ironic, all this time of defending against the ice, but your demise is to your own flames...", sneered the fur clad man

"Rou...I've never heard you laugh like that", observed Demitris. "Well, it feels good to be able to let go again, it hasn't felt so good in a while...". As they stared each other in the eye, Rou charged into the deflection zone. He had lost count of how many times he had been pushed around or shot at by Lin, he felt free. He wanted to feel free. He grabbed the puppet by the collar and spoke his mind, "For once, not in your life but when consciousness was thrust upon you, you finally feel how I feel, think how I think, you finally see the hell that I went through...". Lin struggled violently to free himself from the pain. "Rou...", he croaked as his invisible strings finally fell to the floor.

The rebels watched in awe as Lin crumbled to the ground. His body began to slowly turn into dust, soon disappearing in thin air. The room was filled with silence. "You did it!", screamed Shiva, giving him a hug and Sulena jumped on him in surprise. Rou's face didn't change, he just stood there, watching over everything he had built since he joined the syndicate, the source of his motivations melt away. He laid his coat on the ground, covering the dust, the final remnants of his brother. Though he didn't kill him by his own hands, he felt a part of himself die as well.

Finally, a smile crossed his face, as the realisation came upon him. All his hard work, all the sacrifices, all his fear...all those years of waiting, all these thoughts, all his worries, all his fears...everything that had built up inside him, he felt it was worth it, or was that merely his heart trying to convince him? Demitris walked up to him pulling him in an embrace, "The fight, it's over...", he cheered, only to look up at his lover's face to see nothing.

On the other side of the mansion, Aster, Fleur, Viper and Craaq were all ready to cooperate. Unluckily for them, this time, Kiara was ready for them. She cast two giant vines at the four of them, capturing them and forcing them to sit on the ground. "Now, what do we do?", asked Craaq, shaking his head rapidly as he clasped his fluffy ears. Aster and Fleur winked at each other as their comrades stared in confusion. "Laughing?", questioned Kiara. "Oh nothing, you know, just a funny joke", replied Aster, shrugging his shoulders. At that point, the whole group knew the plan.

Aster and Fleur were lucky to still have their swords close by them. Carefully, they both hacked the vines holding them hostage. It was risky, but carefully and quickly the quartet managed to break through the binds. "Now what?", Viper exclaimed as she got up on her feet. "Let's finish this!". They then broke through, throwing one last glance at each other, but as they glared at their opponent, something seemed amiss.

Both Viper and Fleur froze, staring at the green tinted woman standing before them. She didn't try to retaliate, her arms were held down by the vines. This gave Aster a revelation, "I think I know what we need to do.", he said, pointing at the puppet. "Look at her, clearly she's affected by her own ability.", he deduced. "But how?", wondered Viper. "Her arms, there's irritation where the vines have made contact. The witch got closer, Aster was right, all across her body was the blistering redness of her own powers.

In unison, Aster, Fleur, Viper and Craaq swung the vine toward Kiara. The large leafy chain wrapped around her body as she stook about like a lunatic. The rebels ran to the second vine, doing the exact same thing, and miraculously it to bound to the lifeless puppet. "Come on, just give in!", exclaimed Fleur as she tugged harder on the vines, leaving Kiara with no chance of escape. Suddenly, she started to glow, as the vines wrapped around her buried into her skin, this was the end and she knew it. "I hope...Lin...", she muttered as she faded into oblivion. As the vines cocooned around her, the rebels bowed down.

"She really didn't ask for this fate, did she?", Craaq reflected. Viper patted the anthro bunny's shoulder. "Afraid not, but so many terrible things happened before such a doomed fate occurred. It was inevitable...", she explained, trying to be empathetic. Aster joined them, "I think that might be why we have the syndicate...", he added, staring down at the remains. Finally, Fleur took a seat next to the trio, "This is why I do this, why I want to protect us so bad. To avoid the predetermined fates of the rejected, the people of normal society don't deem worthy...". All four of them joined hands and lamented. The fight was over.

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