Chapter 159: Too Much Risk

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Miles away from the mansion, Fleur was having her own troubles, now in the middle of twelve clearly hostile people, all out for her blood, not only did she have to stay alive, she was now going to be at the mercy of more people than she'd ever faced before, and she would have to survive. Her single sword didn't feel like enough, but it was all she had, and the pressure was boiling the pot of pure rage inside her.

"I need to fight them, all of them…", she muttered to herself. "You gotta be kidding me! You seriously think you would try to kill me before you take over the syndicate?", she questioned. She was completely ignoring the fact that she was alone, too determined to even whisper for help. It was then that she felt someone grab onto her. 

"Hush, okay?", she heard as a male voice appeared behind her. "I know that this situation is confusing for such a small girl, but it's clear you were brainwashed by those thugs...", he said in a deceiving, yet comforting tone. "Brainwashed?!", Fleur was already at the point of lashing out, doing anything she could to trounce them all. She pulled upon the man behind her and held a sword to his throat. "How dare you assume such things about Sir Edward!", she yelled .

The man drew his own weapon, an axe made of pure iron. "Now now, we don't want to murder each other do we? You'd simply be proving my point if you did that! You think you're a martyr when you take murder for granted, Lin made that very clear about you group of thugs! The name's Patrice, and I follow Lin's rules to the letter!", he declared. Fleur couldn't believe what he was saying, surely the syndicate were on the side of justice. "It's all false, every bit!", he continued to taunt Fleur when suddenly she sliced him in the chest, leaving blood spurting out in pulses. 

"Try again if you're trying to get the better of me!", Fleur stated bravely yet foolishly. "Very reckless now aren't we?", responded the bleeding Patrice, who looked as if he were just about ready to faint. Suddenly, the whole circle of people began drawing their weapons, ready to leap at the elf girl at any time. Fleur was too irrational to see the danger, she rose her weapon in the air, ready for battle, even if fighting eleven people would bring her demise. 

Back in the mansion, things were going to take a turn when at long last, Edward got out of his bedroom. He glided down the stairs for his usual duties and met with Catoria in her office. "What a wonderful evening! So refreshing to not be lethargic at this time of night!", he enthused. Catoria was a little shocked at the upbeat nature of her boss, she sipped her wine in intrigue. "You seem very lively today, sir.", she remarked. 

"A break is just what I needed, I need to thank Vox immediately.", Edward stated excitedly. Catoria sighed affectionately, "At least your day's been fulfilling, I've been at my desk all day working out shares for every member of the syndicate, I haven't even looked around. Vox and Fleur must've had their hands full, especially after that argument earlier…", the succubus reflected. 

"Vox and Fleur having a disagreement is nothing new, seen it many times over the years.". Pacing toward the back of the office, he relayed what always happened, "No matter how much I try to get them to bond as friends and colleges, it backfires, as if there's an enormous ice wall between them at all…". The boss took a glance at the window and couldn't believe his eyes. "How on Earth?", he was shocked and extremely surprised. "Catoria, you ought to take a gander at this…", he called out to the bruglione. 

"It appears a certain caporegime has gone overboard today…", uttered Catoria. Edward took time to deduce what to do next, "If I wasn't going to already, now's definitely the time to consult Vox, he'll know what to do in these situations. I hope Rou is okay, I shouldn't have taken the day off, it's clear my subordinates need me…", muttered Edward. As the night drew on, the boss was positive on what he needed to do, but was it the right option? 

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