Chapter 176: Before The Real Thing

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The two stood in silence for a few moments, each lost in their own thoughts. "I thought he was dead, there's no way he's real, right?". Fleur reached out to Aster, gently caressing his hand, but it was clear to her he had another thing on his mind, possibly even a painful truth. "I can't ruin this reunion, but it's inevitable Vox is going to find us...". Aster cleared his throat as Fleur anxiously awaited his first words.

"I'm so sorry I fell for his tricks...", he uttered. Fleur too him by the hand and levelled with him, "Look, none of us knew they'd invade that meeting, and you fought the best we could...", she said softly. However, Aster's anxieties continued to plague him. "Vox, he could be planning anything now. Why aren't you all planning a battle?". Fleur sighed, "Vox is dormant as of this morning, there's a dull silence that I'm investigating, so I'm free to explore.".

"This could be bad, what if he's taking everything down from the inside!", exclaiming Aster. Fleur put a finger to his lip, "That's exactly my thoughts, if it gets louder, I have Demitris on standby. He'll warn us if anything happens.", she informed. "So, what's the plan?", asked Aster. "Investigating each area of the mansion for suspicious activity, I was heading to the gardens before I found you.".

Aster analysed her answer thoroughly before thinking of a response, to him, there was a gap, something she didn't know, "I'm still sceptical, who knows how many forces are around here. Most of the soldiers are already under a sleeping spell. ". Fleur seemed intrigued, "I can't let this go unfounded, thank you Aster, but it still doesn't account for Vox's absence over the last few hours...", she inferred. "Maybe it's best we do go to the gardens then...", suggested Aster.

The pair linked arms and headed outside to the same menacing silence. "Check every window, we can't let him get away!", Aster said in a paranoid tone. Fleur took his arm and hugged it, "Keep calm, the best way to prepare for a fight is to be in the right mindset." she explained. Aster turned to her, looking into her eyes, "I'm doing this to protect you, don't you understand?", he stated worriedly. By surprise, Fleur drew her sword to him, "I'm not to be protected, I'm in this battle just as much as you!", she emphasised.

"Okay then, it's settled. You against me, but only to the point of minor injury and only to train.", decided Aster, also unsheathing his sword. They stepped into a clear space, the autumn air was clear despite its unsettling nature. Fleur breathed deep, savouring the cool air. "I don't know why but I feel at peace for the first time in weeks.", she remarked to Aster. Aster brought his sword to her and pushed in on her. "Surely you know more technique than that?", remarked Fleur. "Oh, this is only the beginning...", replied Aster.

The two took in their surroundings. Neither spoke a word, merely kept their eyes on each other, testing the limits of their skills. "I would imagine Vox would kill to have sword skills like ours.", reflected Fleur, swiftly aiming for Aster's thigh. "Careful there, you don't want to hit the crown jewels...", he jokingly commenting before coming back with a strike to Fleur's hip. "Nice one, you should try using that on Vox soon.", responded Fleur.

Aster continued to spar with Fleur, trying to push her to her limits. "How much longer?", he asked her, keeping a constant eye on the window. "Aster, focus. This is the ideal time for training!", enthused Fleur. Aster took a deep breath slamming his sword into Fleur's leg. "So that's how your gonna play it!", the elf girl shouted. She charged at the boy, only to clash swords with him. "Yes, show me that passion!", she exclaimed.

"You're getting stronger.", he remarked. "I know.", she replied. "Now, let's see if you can do this on your own.", he challenged. "I can.", she said confidently. She pulled her sword back and swung it at Aster's head. He blocked it with his own blade and countered with a strike to her chest. "I'll take that as a yes.", he said as he parried her strike. "This is going to be fun.", he thought to himself, but before they could go any further, Demitris's voice rang out. "Fleur, we heard something from the second floor balcony!".

"Aster, you're back!", Demitris said joyfully. "Glad too see you again.", responded Aster. With the brief reunion over, they grew focused on the task at hand. "We're going to the second floor. You two, come with me.", Fleur ordered. "Let's go!", Demitris said, turning to Aster and Fleur. "Whatever this is, I just know it'll affect our future, so let's stay on our guard and call for backup when we need to.", he stated with confidence. "We'll face it together, nothing can get in our way.".

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