Chapter 160: Respectable Loss

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Meanwhile, Aster and Vanian's mutual rage was at full throttle. "You say you can copy my ability with your so called 'Earth Forme'?", questioned Vanian, rolling a boulder over to Aster. "I believe I can.", responded Aster, breaking the boulder in two. "I don't know what you're planning to do with that weapon manipulation technique of yours, but I know that it's simply a mind game.", stated, visibly agitated.

"Patience slipping already Vanian?", asked Aster with an infuriating cocky shell. He smirked as he broke a second boulder in two. "Should I let you live or give a victory to myself I wonder?", Aster cocked his arm back and struck the rocky foe from below. "Tell me how you're doing this!", Vanian demanded, forming more cracks in the ground similar to earlier in the battle, but this time Aster was dodging flawlessly.

"Unlike the likes of you, some of my various formes cannot be stopped by even a solid stone.", explained Aster. He leaped up from behind a boulder and swung it toward Vanian once more. However, the brawler deflected the blow with a shield risen up from the ground. "Such a cheat...", Vanian let out a sigh. "Yet, you've been driving me insane with your persistence.", Vanian strode toward Aster until both were in very close proximity, ready to make him fall down a chasm at any time. However, Aster kept moving, at this point, the two males were in a waltz for victory.

"Believe me, there was no such thing as my ability in this world until I came onto the. I was born with a mutation, but the higher ups never let me use it, ripping my mother from my arms at a young age for suspicion of treason against the state. I rebelled, almost mastering my skills, but your superiors never let me be different. You were lucky to be born in a family with such a privilege to use your ability freely, not only because you're a captain, but because they can market off your simplistic techniques!".

Vanian's eyes widened in realisation, but he refused to accept it. Was he being deluded by the higher ups? Was he simply complacent? He felt as his mental fortitude rapidly decreased, only having the capacity for defense. Stone wall after stone wall was broken as genuine fear began to grow within Vanian. He couldn't do anything more to stop his opponent. "Stop!!!", he yelled at the top of his voice, causing Aster to drop his weapon.

"This some sort of ploy?! ", yelled Aster. Vanian raised his hand, "I surrender...", he shuddered. "What?", replied a surprised Aster. He was skeptical, if this were an act, he'd be worthy of an award. The black haired boy had never seen a Tiliac higher up surrender in front of him before. "I surrender!", repeated Vanian, this time with a sense of determination. "You surrender?", questioned Aster, "You're kidding me? You're going to surrender?", he enquired once more.

"Are you sure you're a higher up of the Tiliac clan? You seem far too cowardly for that.", commented Aster. "Forgive me, but there's something about you that I simply cannot defend myself against.", clarified Vanian. Aster remembered the jaded look in his eyes at the beginning of the battle. "If you are as powerful as you say, you would never surrender in such a manner", Aster prefaced. "You have to understand that if I was in my right mind, I would've rebelled, just like you did a few months ago.", Vanian emphasised.

Vanian was no leader, no important figure in particular, but he left a scorn on Aster with the mere thought that he was in league with the men who banished the boy in the first place. Aster sighed, were his biases stopping him from accepting Vanian's surrender? He didn't want to overstep his own bounds, but the more he thought of it, suddenly it made sense. Until now, the moment he surrendered, Vanian had never realised the pain of the so-called scum he reared into fighters.

"I accept your surrender, Vanian.", Aster said sincerely. Dropping his weapon, Aster took Vanian's hand and shook it. "It takes a lot of time to realise your true opinions, not influenced by anyone else , and thanks to you, I can see more clearly. The corrupt fog around this land needs to be dissipated.", declared Vanian, now smiling. "What's your plan now then?", enquired Aster. "I guess I need to go back to base.", answered Vanian. "Would you like to come with me?", he then asked Aster. "I'm so sorry, but I can't.", Aster responded, despite being on the way to the same place. .

"This journey that I'm on is my own, I don't want you to get hurt by what's in store for me.". Vanian nodded, "I understand, you're a brave man, Aster Orocha.", he stated in solidarity. The ginger man then began to walk away, "Somehow I knew I'd see you again after what went on in the other squad, adieu, not so tragic hero!", he enthused as he strode off into the distance. Aster waved and smiled as he left, "I hope this land improves in some time...", he thought to himself. It was now time to once again continue his journey.

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