Chapter 162: Furious Violation (+)

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CW: Implied NSFW

Within the mansion, Rou had confined himself to his room, and all the destruction within it. "Rejecting the deal was the best thing to do, I don't care if Lin goes after me...", he thought, lying face down on the bed. "Oh Rou, you're still sad. Why don't you confide in me? I can make you feel better?", whispered the voice echoing around the room. "I need you, Kakei...", Rou muttered. A tear fell from the man's eye. "Why does this always happen to me?", he asked out loud.

The voice held onto him, illuminating the space around as the glowing realisation materialised, "It's the deep-rooted pain inside you, Rou. The source of that pain was clearly active many years ago, it's why you put up a front without constant distraction. Rou became immersed in the deep embrace of Kakei's ominous explanation, but then the voice began to change. "Stay with me Rou, release me Rou...", it recited. "You're not Kakei, are you?", Rou questioned.

Little did Rou know, Demitris was swiftly approaching his location, "He cares, he has to after everything he said back there. I have to tell him, it's inevitable he feels the same way!", he said to himself, the uplifting thoughts keeping him going. "I need to feel his heartbeat against mine, I can heal the pain inside him.", he continued.

All around him, the mansion felt bleak, as if the landscape was about to change for the worst in his home, but his own soul was the guiding light to the sparks of love he desired. "I'm flawed, but with Rou, I can control my emotions and so can he, that's why our love can become power, so our reverie can finally be heard and we can heal!",

Rou was confused, why did the voice change? Despite all of Rou's pondering, it continued repeating the same words, "Stay with me Rou, release me Rou...", as if it meant something. Maybe it did, maybe those words were familiar, but where? Rou continued to search his mind for something, anything that could allude to those phrases. Suddenly, the door opened, and as his eyes met his visitor, it hit him.

"Demitris?", Rou got up tentatively and eased toward the auburn haired man, reaching out to him. "Rou, I need to tell you something...", muttered Demitris. Rou continued to look into his eyes, as if he were in a trance. "I'm here Demitris...", he said softly. Demitris had never seen Rou so captivated by him, though most people would find this suspicious, he too edged toward the blue haired man. "I'm here too Rou...", he whispered as his superior tred the distance between them.

"I need to free you Demitris...", Rou beckoned with a shaky hand. Rou was once again racking his brain for something to ease the pain, so he pulled Demitris in close, giving him every speck of his powerful affection. "Let the light in, Demitris, let it fill your heart, so that we can both be at peace", the blue haired man whispered, the tears starting to fall from his own eyes. "Rou...", Demitris pulled him closer and equally as tight, brushing his head against his shoulder.

As they basked in each other's clasp, neither man realised the sun was rising. "Rou, I'm so glad you feel this way...", said Demitris lovingly, this time Rou remained silent, only tightening the grip on his subordinate. Lifting his head, Demitris could see the looming shadow over his green eyes. "Rou, are you alright? I can help you...", he worriedly stated, still silence. "I...I...", Demitris began to stutter, overwhelmed with mixed emotions.

A low growl was heard from Rou's mouth, ambiguous and desperate. Demitris was so caught up in everything that was happening, he never realised Rou was looking in his eyes the entire time. "Rou? Why are you looking at me like that?", questioned Demitris. Still holding him in close proximity, Rou leaned in and kissed Demitris with much passion. "Are you feeling free yet?", asked the capo with a similar scowl to yesterday morning.

"Yes Rou, I'm free...", uttered Demitris, blushing profusely before Rou kissed him again. He felt the man's chest as his beating heart captivated him. They both felt each others bodies for a minute, savouring every flaw and every perfection. Before long, Rou threw Demitris onto the bed, "Isn't this a little too soon, Rou? I'm not objecting or anything but...", Rou interrupted him, "I'm going to stay with you, release you...", he said, leaving no question of what he meant. Demitris felt a strange sense of power he'd never felt in his life, yet still felt powerless at the same time...

Okumura Syndicate Ending 2Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon