Butterfly Through The Sky

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Mariah sat on her pedestal and waited, now she was a statue that's all, and she couldn't really do anything else besides wait. She had been waiting for over twenty three years, and the sky looked particularly pretty today, it was a nice cloudy but sunny day, she thought, the sky was in fact the only angle she could look at, it was long before a small pretty butterfly flew past her face, and then flew right back and landed on her nose,

this butterfly was so pretty it looked like an iridescent color to it with an crystal like patterns, the least she could think was that the tiny butterfly was made of a pure glass because of how pretty it was.
Mariah made an ohh noise in her head, considering she couldn't speak. It wasn't until several butterflies flew around her landing on the fountain where the pedestal was on, that's when she noticed a young boy almost walking up to the fountain, he just stood there and stared at her. Now Mariah stares at people too but when you can literally see their eyes looking at you it's awkward, considering her whole body and eyes are a rose gold/ pink gold color, she could stare at as many people as she could. At Least the people that were in her eye radius the boy just stared at her and spoke,

I wonder what that statue could be thinking of

The boy spoke, after what felt like three short seconds she felt as though something had entered her head, because it felt like a short headache, it was like she was in an empty room, and whatever she thought of it echoed in her mind, the soon echoes of her thoughts stopped and the boy than sat on the water fountain and looked at her,

How many years have you been here?

He asked, looking at her. Mariah wanted to slap him across the face obviously she couldn't speak to him

I wouldn't even think, of doing that
He said,

Yes I am in fact listening to your thoughts,

Still she couldn't speak,

More butterflies came and surrounded her as the flew around her pedestal in a circle, and soon the butterfly tornado ceased
Mariah coughed and covered her mouth. Realizing what just happened she fell back and landed in the water holding her body, she was moving, after so many years of waiting she was moving she looked at her hands, she was still the same color she was when she was a statue, practically everything was the same except she could move "w-what's happening" her voice still a bit raspy. Mariah cleared her throat and let out a small hello, her voice now sounding normal, fixing her elbow length gloves hands were soon in front of her face covering her

Good you can speak, now tell me, how many years have you been here

The boy demanded, "Okay Dang you could've asked nicely"  she said grabbing his hands and getting up
Tell me
He said again "twenty three years" she said, the boy held Mariah's cloves hands,
Your hands, their cold
He spoke "well i've been here for years so i don't really know what you'd expect,"
Come I think you've been through enough there's a Utopia waiting for you
As again an army of butterflies surrounded the two a world of perfection game into view with a castle not far from them, this felt too good to be true, but she had nothing wrong with it, after twenty three years of being still and stuck in one spot you'll do anything, "its beautiful" Mariah had spoken, "oh my fair maiden may I have thy hand in marriage" a man asked holding her rose gold gloved hand, "your beauty outshines all" You're really stating the obvious  Mariah thought,
Shes fine,
the boy spoke, putting his hand around Mariah's Pink Gold shoulder puff. Finding out what sleep was was cool although she never actually knew what sleep is, when she got some she felt so tired to the point where she fell right back to sleep
Wake up
"Nooo" she whine "two more decades" she cried out going back to sleep the boy then pointed his index finger at Mariah's nose, and soon a small iridescent butterfly flew on her noise and started flapping its tiny wings, Mariah itched her nose and whined
Wake up
Mariah opened her Rose gold eyes "what do you *Yawn* want ughh" Mariah stopped because she realized she never really learned what his name was
"Yea what do you want Eskal"
I said wake up
Getting up was a struggle and she looked at the boy who was somewhat smaller than her, by like one inch "Eskal" dragged the back of his fingers along Mariah's arm and song wrapped his hands around her small boney fingers holding his hands back the two held each other's hands and just stared into each others eyes, Mariah's "eyes" looked back into his as he stared right back at her, the moment felt like forever

W-we should get you back to the utopia

He spoke scratching the back of his neck the butterflies had brung them back to the utopia "Thank you e-Eskal" Mariah had said given the boy a hug 
Your welcome
She was about to leave when Eskal's hands grabbed the sides of her head. And bring his lips to hers, you couldn't see it but fireworks flew and sparkled in Mariah's eyes,
See you on the flip side
He said. As the months rolled by with Mariah living in the utopia she would receive butterflies from Eskal with love letters enclosed on the legs of the butterflies, everyday he'd tell her how much he loved her, Mariah would keep the letters and leave them on her nightstand. Mariah walked through her stained glass greenhouse admiring her beautiful plants and watched as gorgeous iridescent butterflies emerged out of their cocoons and flew up in the air to the sky on their way new keeper, "Take care of them Eskal"
I Love You
Butterfly Through The Sky

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