Lights Out

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Leilani was a young Hawaiian girl with gorgeous eyes, eyes that selfish people wanted, it was almost her birthday, the countdown began a few weeks ago, the days passed and Leilani was given a letter. In that letter there was nothing on the letter except small writing that stated Lights Out in seven days. In seven days would be her birthday, which had worried her alot, every day she was worried as the party came near six days, four days, two days, the night of the party Leilani was paranoid if something was going to go wrong so she had stayed up the whole night twelve twenty eight, nothing she sat on her hammock and waited, although she didn't know hat was gonna happen she knew what was coming, years ago her makuahine (mom) told her about the monster of the islan, it haunts the lives of little girls like herself

a puppet like monster with razor sharp teeth and long tentacles as fingers the eye socket of this monster were dark and deep, deeper than the sea the only visible sign of life was the monsters bright white pupils and the hefty breathing the monster made on the arms and legs of the monsters were three white stripes three on the left three on the right the monster had no feet, there was no fingers just three tentacles that were a substitute for hands and fingers, the monster was boney and slim,

the body was black except for its stripes and face the monster had three ribs, its face was a pale white with black tear marks on its face was a broad smile with the razor sharp teeth, this monster had haunted Leilani for most of her life, the stories her makuahine told her terrified her to the core, she was in her tree house when she heard the noise, the noise of the monster, it was a wet slithering noise, she looked out the window seeing the monsters "fingers" were running through the door but slithered away really fast as she looked at the creature's body, the time seemed to go by fast. Leilani looked everywhere around the room, looked out the doors and closed it if she saw the monster, 

looked out the windows and closed the blinds if she saw it out there on her bed if she saw the monster, but the monster was nowhere to be found. Leilani looked at the time and It was five fifty eight today was her birthday, and around six in the morning dawn, her makuahine would be waking her up soon. She looked around the room and it was nowhere. The only sound Leilani heard was the sound of a music box playing pop goes the weasel, she was confused on where it was, in the background of the music she heard a show chuckle.

Soon the monsters moving sounds came more near everywhere she looked, the puppet like thing was there, the lights in Leilani's room flickered tears streamed down her face a slither sound came from her closet door, she looked there, nothing, it came again from her window, nothing her flashlight died out, ,that's when she heard it, she quickly turned around to her bed. There stood the ten feet monster, the monstrous lashed towards her, her scream loud enough to wake up the dead. The last thing Leilani heard from the living world was "This is a nightmare that you won't wake from" Leilani's vision black out. without the frontal lobe a breath set still it was truly

Lights Out

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