Glitter In The Wind

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Louis sat in his bed alone, he had an assignment to do in college but he was out of ideas, sitting in his bed staring at the ceiling, he sat up to the sound of his door opening "Knock Knock" a voice said, in came in his boyfriend, sitting on his bed "whatcha doing?" he said looking into Louis eyes "just thinkin bout some stuff" he said staring back at his small boyfriend "thinking about what" he said a curious
"thinkin about i way i can marry you" Louis said. Just by those words Louis's boyfriend was as red as a tomato "I'm Thinking about the college assignment babes" he said, the flustered small bean looked back, "Why? The assignments due in two weeks," he said holding Louis big hands in his small hands "I'm worried about my grades" he spoke "what you should be worried about is your health Louis, you've been stressing yourself out studying from nine pm at night to four in the morning, and even then you work from nine to five, and when you get home you're exhausted" he said
"it's not the big of a deal babe i'm getting work done" Louis said "it is a big of a deal when your boyfriend who has to see you everyday doesn't get to spend time with you" he said, Louis groaned at his dramatic state "fine your not aloud to work until you relax" He said "are the kidding me" Louis said, "Nope"

Two days had passed and Louis and his boyfriend had been spending time with each other, from early in the morning to late in the night, "Blue sky above my head, calm sea beneath my boat, wind blows upon me saying your name"
Louis would say to his boyfriend every day.
And now here they both were sitting on the rooftop watching the sunset with a nice cold breeze
"See what it feels like to relax Louis" He said leaning his head on Louis shoulder "Yea, i guess it does feel good to take breaks every now and then," Louis said, their hands conjoining.
"For sure, you definitely need to take breaks more often, I miss hanging out with you" Louis's boyfriend said "Yea maybe I should, I miss you too. We have changed over the years, but the sparkle in your eyes is as bright as ever, and my love for you is even stronger. And nothing could change that, my feelings for you will always be the same for you, for I cannot exist without you and seeing you sparkle just brings joy to me like Glitter in the Wind"

Glitter In The Wind

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