El La Ira Inquieta

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After Trista's tragic death, she was tempted to bring revenge and chaos, Trista was a late teenage girl who died at the hands of her psychotic love obsessed boyfriend, the last thing she saw from her watering eyes was the psycho's smile as he held a knife towards her,  her vision blacked out, it felt as though she was asleep yet still awake at the same time, it felt like she was on big fluffy warm clouds, she opened her eyes to see that's exactly what she was on, the sky was a vibrant cool sky blue with the clouds having a light pink tint to them, "w-what is this place" she said in surprise,

Trista felt as though she was supposed to be scared, but her body and emotions were calm, she felt, safe for once in her life "welcome Trista" a voice echoed, she turned around and there was an angel, it wasn't the angel she remembered with the wings gown and the halo, the multi eyed angel Trista insisted on scream but the "Angel" stopped her "be not afraid Trista" it spoke mentally she was screaming, but in reality she was frozen stiff blank, trist had then blacked out
She woke up except not in these clouds but in the same bathtub she died in, that bathtub was covered in her blood, flashbacks of the event still flood her mind. Trista then managed to untie her body, before she was murdered, she ws tied up to the bath tub red lines drawn around her right wrist that was tied to the bath, and another line that was around her left leg, Trista looked in the mirror, she was a an insanly pale color, and she had several silver strands in her hair, she walked to the bathroom door, and opened it slowly, she heard the sound of the Tv,
*nineteen year old Trista Jackson has been reported missing, friends of the young woman said Trista last texted them at five forty three pm,  a few hours before she went missing, the police found evidential video recording of the woman at a restaurant that same day late that afternoon around six twenty eight, video camera also caught a figure moving behind her, witness say suspects may be Melissa Tylers, and Ubel Alarie, her best friend and her boyfriend what some family members of the victim had said, if the victim has been found please call at six two eight thr-*
the Tv was then shut off "stupid police, dont know how to mind their dang (pg) business what do they know," she heard her Ex-boyfriend say, Trista wanted to lunge at him so badly, he was literally the cause of her death, she resited it though, and keep walking quielty through the home and into a closet that was big enough to hold her small body, and she was able to hear everything "stupid Melissa" she heard him say, the door was slammed shut, Trista knew from experience that ubel would purposely shut a door if he felt as though someone was in the house, because she didn't hear any sound of movement leaving the home, so she didnt quite leave the closet
"Nothing". He said and actually opened the door and left, Trista left the cramped closet and made sure he was gone, she slowly jumped out the window, the feeling of the sun pouring down on her face felt amazing, although she was a walking zombie, it felt somewhat great to be alive, the first place she went to was the police station in which they were surprised to see her, although she was technically "alive" the police didn't believe her, in her sadness she knocked on Mellissa's door and to her surprise she answer, "TRISTA, y-your alive" she yelled, "yes I'm alive but not for very long" she said shaking her hands in front of her, "quick then, come inside" melissa said grabbing Trista's hands and dragging her in the home,
After explaining Trista's whole situation Melissa was in a lost of words, and was too paralized to speak "i-i don't know how to react to all this" she said, trista had slowly nodded she knew that this was in fact a lot to take in, and even she was surprised she was alive again, one thing was for sure she wanted to take revenge and she would do anything in her power, or whatever it was she had, to instill that Ubel suffered in an endless hell  "I do know one thing that whatever brought you back, brought you here for a reason" she said
"I have a plan," Melissa said.
This plan was revenge,
Although Trista was alive and well she was technically counted as the walking dead,  the plan was to scare Ubel to death, not in the ways Trista used to when she was in love with him, but the way she would now when she was in hatred, days had passed since Trista reported missing, ubel had locked the bathroom after finding this out believing that trista's body was still in there, and she would appear in plain sight near him, that would scare him days after days, he felt like he was being haunted by her ghost,

In fact no matter where he went she would never let him go she would never let him rest she would never let him leave,
Ubel was stuck in this hell forever to suffer in pain and againey for his actions
Years had passed since Trista and Ubel died,
rumor says that monster that was contained in ubel still roams the night, Melissa had been classified as crazy for her hallucinations of her friend, and was sent to an insane asylum, where she spent half the rest of her life, although the spirit of Trista lives on with her Melissa, she seeked out revenge on the one who had taken her life away from her, no matter who it was or what they did,
she was

El La Ira Inquieta

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