They were both smiling, Donnie approached her, and she grabbed the lapel of his suit. When the closet door they were hiding in threatened to open, April took desperate action.

April POV

I had to do that, imagine the situation: a Yokai walks into that closet and sees two adults hiding inside.

With a quick thought I grabbed his suit and kissed him... It was like 7 minutes in heaven. The difference is that we are adults, not a bunch of teenagers hiding out at a school party.

The experience of kissing Donnie was not what I imagined, it was better, it was better.

As soon as we parted I looked at the door, there was a yokai staring at us, putting my arm around Donnie, who honestly must have been in shock (poor thing). I scowled at the yokai and said:

"Hey can't we have a minute alone?" The yokai muttered something before closing the door "that's what I thought."

As soon as I realized that no one else was going to go in there, I sighed. It took a while but I remembered I was almost glued to Donnie, the tortoise who hates physical touch. I jumped away, my face on fire.

"Pick your pieces together O'Neil!" I thought, remembering that we were on a mission. "OH MY GOD I kissed Donnie!" was my second line of thought.

Donnie's POV

April kissed me. April O'Neil... kissed me. that's what went through my mind as she distracted the Yokai at the closet door. My face caught fire, on the one hand I wanted to return the kiss, but on the other hand that kiss had been for the sake of the mission.

Besides, that wasn't A April, it was a "Yokai April", I tried to fool myself, I tried to compose myself while I thought of a plan.

In fifteen minutes, thebattle Nexus was going to start, and both April and I knew it wasn't going to end well.
"I know what to do" April started "Let's break into Big Mama's office while she's busy there with the guests."

"It might work." I said trying to rationalize a better idea...but honestly that would definitely work better than a totally complicated plan.

third person pov

As soon as they had the chance they just came out the closet. Trying not to get caught they managed to get into the office, there was no security around and no alarms.

"weird..." thought Donnie

"Donnie..." April called.


"I think you'll want to see this." The brunette said pointing to a picture frame on the spider's table

Donnie walked over and saw a picture of his father, he covered his face to keep from laughing. He knew about his father's secret relationship with the Yokai, Leo had told them.

"We'd better take a look." He said turning his back to the table.

April searched the drawers and Donnie searched the shelves.

"bingo!" Donnie said holding up a leather-bound notebook.

"great, now let's get out of here!" April said pointing to the door.

As the two tried to leave a voice could be heard.

"lady the sound came from here." A Security guard said.

"I'll check it out, you can go." Said the spider Yokai.

Donnie and April looked at each other, they knew if they got caught they would pay dearly for it. And none of them were in the mood to fight, at least not in those clothes. So they opted for the Safer option.

"I see nothing. " Said the Yokai spider, "but I smell human..." She said approaching the table. As soon as she could see Splinter's portrait she smiled "Piece if wrong way, You know you are, don't you Lou?"

what was the Safe option? Good to jump off a tall building without any form of protection.

Well Donnie managed to conjure with his mystical powers something that would protect them both, holding the book to his chest April and Donnie ran to the turtle tank, both panting.

"so what is this book?" April asked trying to straighten her hair that had gotten messy mid-run.

"It's Big Mama's ledger, so we'll know where the 'invested' money is going, and stop whatever her plan is." Donnie said tapping the book.

April was happy, she removed the brooch, and sat down, she felt bad for a second. She wished she had danced that night. But all she did was kiss Donnie and run a marathon. Feeling defeated, she buried her face in her hands.

"April is everything okay?" Donnie asked, crouching down to get her sitting height.

"Sorry it's just that... I really wanted to dance today you know..." She said looking at him.

"Well... I don't know why we can't do that now." He said getting up. "Miss O'Neil, can I have this dance?" he asked and held out his hand.

April He accepted the offer and chuckled lightly.

The two danced to a slow song, April held Donnie's shoulders, who led the dance."Sorry" April said mid-dance."For what?" Donnie asked.

"for kissing and hugging you earlier at the party." She said turning a little red.

"Oh that... yeah..." He said scratching the back of his head "I actually liked it..."

" You liked it?" She asked

he nodded. She smiled, putting her head on the plastron.

"Yeah... I liked it too." she muttered.

The two danced hugging each other a little longer. Until Donatello lifted April's head and kissed her, a slow, sweet, firm kiss.

It wasn't necessary for either of them to say what they felt, because they both knew exactly what they were. From that day on when he wondered "how did you two get together?" they responded on a mission to stop a spider yokai's plans.

April x Donnie - oneshots Vol.1Where stories live. Discover now