Log 6: Hollow puissant

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Johan's perspective
My... Head... Hurts so much.

My head feels as if there's a loud engine roaring inside it. I'm keeping my eyes shut, attempting to fall asleep in a deep, deep slumber.

I came back from the investigation but along the way, I experienced something unpleasant— a sensation considered alien to most.

My body is being absorbed into the bed with my mind attempting to escape my head.








It's the essence of anything and everything living

Without said essence, you wouldn't exist

And you only begin to live once you're born into this world

Living a boring life means you're a boring person

Living a fulfilling life means you're a fulfilled and bright person


Why do people force what they consider good lives on people they care for?

In consideration?



It may not be any of those possibilities and that's okay.

Not everyone needs to know the exact reason they were brought into this world— the truth could be something that would bring more harm than good.

I still have been thinking about that knowing it could only bring destruction.

Someone indirectly affected me whether it be accidental or on purpose... that person right now has no idea what they've done and never will because...

They passed away.

Their death was their own fault so no one else is to blame.

They died through destructive means and no one knows that—not the real answer anyways.

Back onto the topic of life, should the point of living be to find happiness or live to take happiness?

At the end of the day, it's still living and, interestingly, many are so invested in what they've been told— no, been forced to believe is true happiness.

For example, kids are, over time, told about the benefits of college and how most that attend will become successful meaning it must be an excellent choice. While that's true to many, it's also equally true most don't become or regret what they major in college—unfortunate really...

That brings me to the main question:

Are failures necessary for finding happiness?

What if Johan and Kiyotaka were detectives? (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now