Log 1: killer's intent

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Kiyotaka's perspective

I've been awaiting the arrival of my acquaintance for a few minutes until I realized I left my coffee in the car.

As I was about to take a step, I saw a stranger enter the vicinity.

Wearing an unbuttoned single breasted gray colored suit with a white buttoned shirt underneath seems ideal for the hot weather though I'd prefer to not have a jacket on. Unless he's a detective or some other form of authority wearing this to conceal his weapon and equipment.

He continues walking as if I don't exist and so I give him the same treatment. Through my peripheral vision, I can spot his black formal shoes at most and a little more of his pants since he's getting closer to me.

Making any moves to hide myself or reach into the car for something can come off as suspicious to someone like him. I also have no idea what I'm doing on my phone since I somehow went to the weather app.

Oh, it's 85 degrees Fahrenheit and the highest it will reach is 96 at 1pm, that's good to know.

"Johan? What are you doing here? The crime scene is in the opposite direction."

A man standing around 5'10" enters the area, calling out the blonde figure in front of me.

"I was on my way to Ms. Gilmore's cafe and thought taking a shortcut would give me enough time to head back to the crime scene."

The blonde figure, most likely being a coworker, gives his reasoning for his whereabouts.

From Horikita's perspective, this could seem suspicious since the position he caught us in implies we were talking. If he were to point this out, though, it could lead to him drawing suspicion to himself. So he took the most obvious option, feigning ignorance; then the blonde man continued speaking.

"...I feel as if I shouldn't have taken this route. Should I just head toward the crime scene now? It is my first day after all."

"You're just wasting time talking with me. Just do what you gotta do then head to the rendezvous point. It shouldn't be a problem as long as you get there in time. First impressions are important as you may be aware so arriving late will make you seem incompetent."

First impressions are important. I can attest to that after going through the consequences of staying after class for introductions in ANHS. The event sends a shiver down my spine due to the cringe.

"I understand, I'll excuse myself then."

He excuses himself from the area but when he walks past Horikita, Horikita puts a hand in his pocket which I've noticed to be a habit whenever he's nervous. Only this time it isn't both of his hands.

What makes this worthy to note is Horikita is rarely nervous. Usually, his calm and firm demeanor can pierce through any problem he's faced with, only being held back by the people around him.

That's why he's an ideal tool, he has few but the flaws I can come and fix will make it easier to gain his trust. Also, he's similar yet different to Manabu, he has the set of abilities but not quite the social respect. This won't be an issue for long though since he's been getting recognized for many crucial investigations.

What if Johan and Kiyotaka were detectives? (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now