Chapter 128: Being A Step Father Is Rather Difficult

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“Mother, I’ve been looking for you all this time.” Two streams of tears rolled down Xiao Mao’s face. I hurriedly embraced my own child, and desperately explained the current situation to him. I let him know that his father has been found and that we could live together like in the past.

Xiao Mao lifted his innocent eyes, sluggishly pulled at Xiang Qing’s sleeves, and said, “Are you really my father? Will you buy me delicious food and play with me? Will you tuck in my blankets in the middle of the night? Will you hit or scold me?”

“Yes, of course your father will!” I remembered Yin Zi had said that a father will also love his son dearly, that means Xiang will also really adore Xiao Mao.

Xiang Qing still hadn’t recovered from his shock. After a long time, he grabbed a hold of me and asked, “You…..have a child? A child that old?”

“Yup,” I proudly answered, “He’s also your child. Xiao Mao is really well-behaved, he’s smart and he’s obedient as well! I raised him up well!”

Xiao Mao beside me revealed a crafty smile, “Father, Xiao Mao really is obedient. Could it be you want to marry Mother, and want to abandon me?”

Xiang Qing had finally recovered from his shock, his expression was full of disbelief, “Your mother appears to be around seventeen or eighteen years old, how could she have a child that’s seven or eight years old?”

“Who said she was seventeen or eighteen? It’s just that she looks young!” Xiao Mao opened his mouth to say, “Obviously my mother is much older!”

“How… much older…..” Xiang Qing was speechless.

Xiao Mao replied, “Let me calculate!”

I was over two thousand years old, and honestly, I can’t even clearly remember my exact age much less Xiao Mao. At this moment, he appeared to be thinking hard about something while the surrounding masses began to stir lively. Everyone was quietly whispering to each other and pointing to me. This feeling was very uncomfortable, what did I do wrong again?

Xiang Qing’s expression became more and more unpleasant, he asked, “How come you didn’t tell me you had a child?”

“I didn’t have time to tell you,” I naturally reasoned, “And you didn’t ask?”

Xiao Mao immediately became upset and asked, “With such an unpleasant expression, does he want to drag me away and boil me in a pot of oil? He doesn’t want me? Does he want to sell me as well?”

“Your father will not do such things!” I quickly defended Xiang Qing.

Xiang Qing’s lips twitched several times like he was about to say something, but ultimately chose to be silent.

Yin Zi rushed through the crowd from the distance, he suddenly stopped as he saw Xiao Mao. He hurriedly stepped forward and questioned, “What did you come here for?”

“Oh dear! Our little crow has become such a beauty,” Xiao Mao wasn’t angry, he just walked around Yin Zi a couple of times while glancing at him from head to toe and slyly smiled, “This little child doesn’t quite remember how I should address you, oh~ what should I do?”

“Nephew! Aunt really misses you! When you wet your bed, it was me who changed your diaper!” Yin Zi instantly hurried next to Xiao Mao’s side, and whispered into his ears, “If you dare call me Godfather here today, I will fight you!”

“Hmph,” Xiao Mao returned a smile and hugged Yin Zi, his mouth angrily whispered back, “You guys are a bunch of bastards, secretly running away without even telling me. When I descended to the Mortal Realm and went home, you guys were already gone, only after a long time did I find you guys doing this sort of thing.”

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