Chapter 57: I Will Become A Mother

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With stumbling footsteps and walking with a null figure, I held the last piece of dried fish in my mouth, choose a path, and slowly walked away…..

I walked until the stars filled the night sky, found a cave with carpeted with soft grass, and I lay my entire body down to sleep. Letting out a long and tired yawn, I realized that I have not slept out in the wilderness in a very long time, giving me the feelings of being a wild cat occasionally, and this is quite good…..

Using my tongue, I groomed my own fur and swept away all the dust on it. I opened my eyes wide, and watched as the wind blew the grass and leaves, as if it was dancing in the wind. My ears were full of ringing and whistling, and howling from the distance sounds, it was filled with loneliness and arrogance. This kind of scene was somewhat similar to the days at Luoying Mountain, the days I miss so much.

Should I go bully that howling wolf? I thought for a moment, and then decided to abandon it, because Blue Feather Goddess said that the strong should not pick on the weak under any circumstances.

Miao Miao wants to be a good student, and complete this mortal realm assessment, because I know that, every time I make a little more progress, that Bi Qingshen Jun and everyone else would be really happy.

I like their smiles more than anything else.

What kind of feeling is this? I don’t understand, just that myself, I feel somewhat different from before, but I can not put it into words on how it is different…..

Since I could not think of how, then I should just go to bed early. Tomorrow, I need to look for a job and earn money, so I let out an everlasting yawn, and was ready to close my eyes, but all of a sudden, the sky thundered.

Dark clouds masked the sky and the rain pounded onto the earth. The wetness was invading the cave, and I had jumped back a few paces to avoid getting my beautiful fur coat from getting damp. The evading water pearl suddenly emitted a light, causing all of the droplets of water to be repelled.

Thus I safely and securely hopped onto the ground, but unexpectedly, two foxes had entered into the cave where I had been staying. Among the foxes, one of them moved back from fear while saying, “This lowly one is just passing by to avoid the rain, disturbing your rest, I’m sorry, I’m sorry…..”

The other one didn’t understand and wanted to continue to enter, “Why do you fear her? Isn’t it just a cat demon?”

The rain caused the temperature to be quite cold, I stared at their dense and rich fur coats, and then generously made space for them to come in. The fox that wanted to escape earlier was a bit hesitant, but it eventually entered and carefully crouched down in a corner, peeking and staring at me from time to time, as well as speaking in the fox language with the other fox.

“Cold.” Seeing that they have entered, and not giving me the natural greeting of snuggling up, I unhappily called out.

The two foxes stared at each other, and then quickly turned around and transformed into their human forms. It was a man and a woman who came forth and greeted me.

The man claimed to be Yun Ou. His body was slender, and his eyes were elongated. He had a red birthmark, and was magnificently dressed, causing his whole person glow with charm, and in short, he basically had a fox-like face. The woman claimed to be Ningxin, her facial features were beautiful, she was very simply dressed, and didn’t appear to have a fox aura with her. She appeared very graceful and elegant like a lady from a noble household, except for the fact that she had a bulging belly, possibly from eating too much.

After they had finished greeting, they used some demonic arts to start a fire, which made a warm and comfortable feeling to flow through my body. I lay down onto the patch of grass in satisfaction, and was ready to fall asleep again.

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