Chapter 38: Blue Feather Goddess

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This class…..I can not stay any longer, everywhere, if there was no crying then there would be screaming, and if I wasn’t in a daze…..

They were boring me to death, so I wanted to leave in a flash and look for a big tree to sleep in. Before I even took a step out of the door, Blue Feather Goddess hurriedly rushed towards me, and said gently, “Miao Miao, can you come with me for a second?”

“Ok!” I remembered how Bi Qingshen Jun told me to listen to others, so I obediently nodded my head, keeping up with her paces.

The Blue Feather Goddess led me to her house, sitting inside the house was Teacher Huang who had just been beaten up by me, and beside him stood the flushed face Xiao Tian. He kept quietly taking glances at me, and when I looked back, he turned his head to look at the floor or out the windows out of embarrassment.

Certainly an eccentric one, his whole body had dog scent, so this is definitely not a good thing! I secretly evaluated him in my heart.

“Xiao Tian, you go back first and say hello to Erlangshen Jun for me.” The Blue Feather Goddess sat down in the center of a round-backed wooden armchair, and also hinted to me to sit down on a nearby stool.

Xiao Tian uttered a response, and gave me several glances with his flushed face, and finally and slowly left.

Blue Feather Goddess skillfully picked up the teapot on the table, she did not speak, and just leisurely poured tea, filling up three cups to the rim. She gave me one of the cups, so I inquisitively took it, swallowed it all in one gulp, and then spat it all out from the bitterness. I stuck out my tongue and cried, “What is this thing!! Disgusting! Disgusting!”

“How rude!” Teacher Huang frowned his eyebrows and accused, he raised his hand and said, “This demon has a bad temper, I can’t teach her, let’s return it back to Bi Qingshen Jun.”

“Do not worry~ Do not worry~” Blue Feather Goddess wasn’t nervous or in a rush, she continued to ask me, “Have you never had tea?”

I glared at the bad guy Teacher Huang, and then gave a big grin to the Blue Feather Goddess and said, “I often see Bi Qingshen Jun drinking tea, but I have never drank it before, I did not think it would be this bad!”

“But…..have you thought about why other people like to drink it?” Blue Feather Goddess suggested a question to me.

I held my head and thought for a very long time, and ultimately replied, “Is it because they have strange tastes?”

“Do you like eating fish?” The Blue Feather Goddess asked again.

“I extremely like it!”

“But I do not like even a single bit of it, the smell of fish is strange.” Blue Feather Goddess frowned and said, “If I don’t let Miao Miao eat fish, and to drink tea with me instead, would that be good?”

“Not good!” I rapidly shook my head, “Or you can eat fish with me, don’t drink tea!”

“Why should I have the same interests as you?” Blue Feather Goddess smilingly asked me.

“Because…..because…..” I stood up and walked around in circles, but I could not think of an answer.

“Miao Miao,” Blue Feather Goddess came towards me, touched my head, and softly said, “You can not always let other people accommodate to you, but learn to understand other people, just like how you like to eat fish, and how I like to drink tea. The students listening to Teacher Huang is the same thing, so you shouldn’t be talking in class with Bai Cai to disrupt his lectures.”

I seemed to understand and nodded, so I continued to ask, “Still, I do not like lectures, what happens if I like to speak?”

“You could speak later then, wait until after school to speak, Teacher Huang’s lectures are put together with a lot of effort, you should be respectful to him.” Blue Feather Goddess poured another cup of tea for me to try.

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