Chapter 60-61

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Chapter 60: The Heavens Are Against This Cat’s Choices

After a few days of exploring a town in the Mortal Realm, although earning money was still a distant goal, one could say that I have found methods to fill my empty stomach.

And that was to secretly enter the town, turn into my human form, and then just casually stand next to a really fragrant smelling restaurant. Many men would naturally come flocking towards me to invite me to dinner, and as long as I listened and agreed to what they said, I was able to order whatever I wanted, as well as eat until I’m full. After accompanying them to leave the restaurant, I would casually turn back into the form of a cat to escape while avoiding the eyes of other people, and no one would chase after me.

The other method was to simply search for useless little monsters within the town vicinity, wave my claws at them, and tell them that if they did not obediently listen, then they would be granted a ruthless beating. They all voluntarily went to find me delicious food to eat.

My instincts told me that something may be wrong with the first method, so I did not dare tell Bi Qingshen Jun. I also did not dare use the second method too often. Anyways, he said that I wasn’t allowed to hurt human beings, but never stated that I wasn’t allowed to hurt monsters and demons, so this should be alright…..

If other people’s pain can feed my hunger, then there isn’t much to worry about…..

As I noticed a more powerful demon trampling over some flowers and beating up two smaller demons, I hurriedly went and defeated the more powerful deer demon and rescued the little rabbit and frog demon. Unexpectedly, they two immediately transformed into their human forms. The pair of young demons appeared as though they were seven or eight in their human form, and was about the ages of the students at the young demon school, momentarily placing me into a trance.

The little rabbit was called Luo Luo, she was a red-eyed and silver-haired cute little girl, and was probably an arctic snow species of rabbit. I felt bad for her dysfunctional throat, her voice was just a tiny bit louder than that of a mosquito, and right now, she was sitting on the ground crying. The frog boy was either called Jian Nan or Jian Nan*, he was an ordinary looking black-haired black-eyed little boy, and right now he was barely standing straight. He was warily looking at me, but his trembling legs had given to away to his opponent that he was afraid and wavering, which were all the signs of an inadequate and weak guy.

*[TN]: The two names have similar pronuciation but totally different meanings. 剑南 Jiàn Nán – 剑 Jiàn meaning sword and 南 Nán meaning south. 贱男 Jiàn Nán – 贱 Jiàn meaning cheap and 男 Nán meaning male or boy.

When I bluntly asked for food, they promptly looked for and brought back countless delicacies. Seeing that I did not appear as though I wanted to start a fight with them, they instantly burst into tears and sadly held onto my legs repenting, saying that they would be a good demon, would do good deeds everyday, would stop stealing and stealing, and asked if I would please forgive them.

Since they asked for forgiveness, then trampling on flowers must be a really bad thing.

Thus while eating and drinking well, I righteously educated them about how casually trampling on flowers is not right! If they wanted to trample some flowers, there were plenty by the mountain side, so why would they have to trample on the flowers of another’s home? Growing and raising flowers is not such an easy thing! Even if the demon wants to trample, they must first get the owner’s approval. This I have down many times, trampling down the numerous flowers and grasses at Mo Lin’s home, and in the end, I was ruthlessly given a beating by Bi Qingshen Jun. If even I can not do this kind of thing, then why should you be able to do it?

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