someones mean to Mk (spicynoodles)

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Sorry guys I decided to take a good break, been doing a lot and posting on top of that has been a little much. But I'm alright now!!! Back to posting and better than ever <33

Anyway I'm so tired and I might get the FLU. 🤬 but I simply just won't get it because I'm immune.



"comin' right up!!" Mk playfully saluted as he snagged a bag of noodles. Ready for delivery. This was his lifetime job, his living. He'd never give it up for the world!

Mk hummed the tune to his music as he drove the tuck tuck down the streets of megapolis. It's like everything was perfect today! Beautiful day, evil defeated and no late order or mean customer!

He just jinxed it didn't he?

"I have to hurry back before red son comes by for his daily noodle order!" Mk said to himself. I also forgot to mention that red son and Mk were pretty cool now!! Sure he was still nasty towards him from time to time but that's just because he doesn't want to admit he's gotten much closer to Mk and his friends.

He's even gotten along with pigsy! Helping him cook and kind of semi-working at the restaurant.

He delivered the order but it didn't go as smoothly as intended.


Mk entered the shop, slumped over with his eyes glued to the floor. He looked exhausted and really sad. He slowly walked past the bar counter, red son stirring a pot behind it. Pigsy in the kitchen and tang in his usual seat at the bar as he begged red son to sneak him some free noodles. Red son had already had his noodles and felt like working.

Everyone noticed the drained looking Mk and their faces grew with concern and confusion. Red sons face just hitting an irritated one. He hated seeing Mk so upset. He wouldn't show that though.

"What's the matter with you?" Red son was the first to speak up. So much for not showing you care. "Yeah kid why so glum?" Pigsy asked appearing behind red son. Mk turned towards the group and looked like he was about to sob.

"A customer yelled at me.." He said, his voice cracking a bit. He wasn't good with people that were rude to him for no reason. Sure he's dealt with demons and past red son yelling nasty things at him and trying to kill him but this was different. It was a normal person, one bad apple.

"WHAT?!" Red son screamed, his hair exploding with flames. Mk's eyes filled with surprise at the sudden volume of reds voice. Why was he so angry? "Why did a customer yell at ya? What did they say." Pigsy said in a low growl. Rude costumers were very rare and never happened but when it did pigsy hated it.

"Are you alright Mk? Come sit down." Tang pat the seat next to him and Mk reluctantly excepted it. He was really broken up, what could that costumer have said to him?

Red sons scalp was one fire, smoke came from his hair as the smoke detector went off in a loud blare. The fire rising potentially licking the ceiling. "Gah! Red son calm ya self! You're gonna burn down my restaurant!" Pigsy said taking a towel and flapping it dramatically at the smoke detector. After that whole situation everyone surrounded Mk.

"What happened." Red son demanded in a low voice, boy was he angry. " was nothing! Just one of those people..." Mk sniffled. "Mk." Pigsy brought out his dad voice demanding he'd tell him. Mk felt a shiver up his spine. He hated when pigsy did that.

"Jeez okay! It was this old woman she...she told me that I'm nothing but a filthy sinner for going by he they. She said a lot of nasty things..and called me a lot of other nasty things." Mk slumped in his seat.

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