Disapproval (spicynoodles!)

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Red sat at his desk contemplating something he has been wondering for a very very long time.

'what would my parents think?'

Mk and red son have been dating for over 3 months now and he loves Mk to death, but one problem.

He hasn't told his parents yet. Red couldn't keep hiding this from them, it was getting harder and harder to make up excuses as to why he would go out! but he knew he had to do this.. He couldn't just keep lying to them.. Could he?

Red son got out his phone and texted Mk a quick 'wish me luck.' Mk knew exactly what that text meant. He was going to tell his parents about them. Red wanted to shrivel up and die at this point, he was way to nervous to even hint at the 'noodle boy'. He decided to confess at dinner and waited... And waited... AND waited. "M-mother....f-father..i must confess to something." Red son said shaking. He finally built up all his courage and blurted out "I'm dating Mk!" He said in one breath.

[Sorry I'm gonna make them sorta evil in this one]

"You're what?" DBK roared getting up from his seat, "I was right to call you such a useless child! Running off with that imbicile!" PIF got up and screamed at redson, "YOU ARE TO LEAVE THIS HOUSE AND NEVER RETURN! UNDERSTOOD?" DBK slammed his fist on the tables as PIF merely looked away.

"W-wait please! Father i-" "I SAID LEAVE!" DBK slashed his claws toward red son, slashing his face in the process. Red couldn't think as he ran and ran and didn't look back, his face still stinging from the two slashes on his cheek. Tears started to fall as he ran to pigsys noodles.


The gang was sitting at the barstools at pigsys noodles, a certain red demon bursts through the door his hair lit aflame, his eyes red from crying and a wounded face. They all looked over with a look of concern and horror, especially Mk. "O-oh my god, pigsy get the first aid!" Tang commanded, pigsy gave a quick nod as he ran off to find their med kit. Red son looked like he was on the verge of collapsing, "red!!?? Red! What happened to you?! Red are you okay?! RED!" Mk starting asking questions left and right as red started to loose his balance, totally exhausted as he toppled over into Mk's arms.


"Mmrgh.. Goodness my head.. What happened?" Red grazed his hands over his face as he felt his wound. All the memories of just a couple hours ago came rushing back to him, he then started to shake a bit then recognized his surroundings. He was in Mk's apartment! Mk cracked the door open to check on him when he then saw an awake red son and immediately ran over to him.

"RED! oh thank gosh you're alive! Are you okay? Does anything hurt? Can you tell me what happened?" Red looked at Mk, that sure was a lot of questions. "Well...uh can I ask a few questions too? What happened? What's going on and what time is it?" Red was exhausted and his face hurt.

"Well tang patched you up and I carried you too my bed! and you can into the shop looking really panicked and scared.." Mk looked down. "Oh! Let me go get everyone! They'll be happy to see you're okay!" Mk ran out of the room to get his friends. Red son was so lucky for all of them, when they first announced their relationship to everybody they all approved and were really happy for the both of them! He couldn't say the same for his parents though.

"Oh red son, you're okay! How are you feeling?" Tang asked worried sick about him. "I-im okay thank you tang." "So fill us in fire boy, what happened?"

"I decided to tell my family about me and Mk but they... Didn't approve and I got hit in the face by my father..and now I have no home and I guess no parents heheh..." Red laughed it off when really it was a lot more deep than he wanted it to be. "O-oh red son... I'm so sorry that's horrible." Sandy commented. Everyone gave a look of sympathy and anger "Yeah but hey you can now fulfill your dream in moving in with me! Aw yeah!!" Mk cheered as he started jumping up and down in excitement.

"About your parents... We're going to have a little 'chit-chat' with them.. We'll be right back." Tang said glowing an intimidating yellow aura as he left the room, everyone else had a look of irritation and anger on their faces as they followed tang out of them room "be careful not to get yourselves hurt!!" Red gave a concerned tone. "as for right now I'm gonna take care of ya sugar!" Mk gave red a kiss on the forehead as he climbed into bed with him.


There they all stood. Standing at the entrance of the DBK household angrier than ever. Especially tang and pigsy, they were outraged someone's own parents could do something like that to their own child. Mei had her dragon sword clutched in her hand clenching it as hard as she could as she grit her teeth. No one messes with her friend like that, as for sandy, him and mo were fired up and ready to pounce.

They stood and politely knocked on the door tang trying not to blow up, PIF answered the door with wide eyes, she didn't expect company... Especially this kind.

"Helloooo we would like to come in and... talk regarding your.. son." Tang said putting on the best polite voice as he could his eye twitching with the fakest-forced smile ever. "Ugh what do you want with him?! If this is about us kicking that useless brat out then we have no need for discussion!" PIF said as poison dripped from every word, she tried to slam the door in their faces but a foot stopped the door.

"I think you'll want to hear us out this time." Pigsys voice gave a most grimmaced tone. PIF found she was feeling a bit intimadated and let them inside nonetheless with a scoff. Mei gave her a nasty glare on the way in.

"What are you foolish mortals doing here.." DBK spat. "We came to talk... Regarding red son." Pigsy said taking a seat at the dining table everyone else joined in after. "Why do you want to talk about such a useless brat like him? I have no use for such a child anymore." DBK said in a raspy voice. Tang slammed his hands on the table, "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?! HOW DARE YOU DO THAT TO YOUR OWN FLESH AND BLOOD? THROW HIM OUT LIKE HE'S JUST GARBAGE-" tang blew up, he couldn't ever see himself yelling like this at anyone but here he was. "YOU'RE SICK, RED SON DOESN'T DESERVE A FATHER LIKE YOU." "ENOUGH YOU THINK THAT BRAT WAS ACTUALLY USEFUL TO ME? I DIDN'T NEED HIM THEN AND I DON'T NOW SO LEAVE!"

it turned into an argument between the two and nobody has ever seen tang this angry, although pigsy wanted to kill this man for what he was saying. He wasn't the vocal type like tang was, they both were equally as protective.

Mei chimmed in, "listen you stuck up selfish no good donkey! We just ask you guys be okay with him and Mk's relationship! Is that so hard to accept? He just wants you guys to support and love him and his decisions!! He could come back if you let him but he doesn't even deserve to be staying here!" Mei pointed at the demon couple.

PIF let out a sigh "...i.. Suppose- just- show him our regards and that he's welcome back anytime if he wishes. Though I understand if he doesn't want to come back." PIF had a look of regret on her face, the gang was right, how could she do that to him? "Very well... Tell him he is.. But I don't think I could ever come to terms with his relationship with the theif.. Although I will try." DBK mumbled.

and with that, their job had been done as they came to an agreement and exited the demon bull residence as they all cheered as they had fixed some of it, but hey it was better than nothing!

The gang had came back into Mk's apartment and filled red in with what had happened and what PIF and DBK said red had a look of sadness yet relief. "Well... I know I can't go back. I don't want to. I'm okay with staying here with my Mk, but I'll thank them... Someday."

"Your Mk?" Mei snickered as red son turned a bright red "awww red sooonn!!" Mk wrapped his arms around Ren son. Needless to say everything was going to be fine.


(I got my braces tightened and now my teeth hurt 😧 anyway thank you all for the love, I'll upload again tomorrow <3 goodbye!!)

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