Library study (freenoodles)

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Pigsy was bored and so was tang. It was a holiday today so pigsy was getting little to no customers and thought of an idea.

"Heya tang?" Piggy asked leaning onto the counter resting his head in his palm looking at tang. "Yeah pigsy?" Tang said slurping up some more noodles pigsy had given him. "Since we ain't got customers how's about I follow you around and do things with you that you do during a normal day?" Tangs eyes lit up, pigsy following him around? For a WHOLE day? This was a dream!!

Tang blushed a bit, "o-of course! Just follow me!" Tang nervously got up cleaning up and leaving the shop waiting for pigsy to close for the day .


"Alright so what first tangy?!" Pigsy slapped his back "agh-" tang yelped as he fell forward losing his balance as his glasses came loose off of his face, but caught himself just in time as he raised his head back up fixing his glasses. "Ahem first! We go to this local cafe that I stop by everyday for some boba and snacks!" Tang flashed a bright smile, pigsy felt something shoot in his chest as he gave a light blush. He brushed off the feeling and followed tang to the cafe.


They got to the 'mimi dream' cafe (sorry I couldn't think of a good cafe name this one just popped in my head) tang immediately got excited with all the food and drink displays everywhere, when pigsy stepped into the cafe he was overcome with loads of sweet aroumas, not that he hated it, it was just... different.

"Pigsy pigsy!" Tang tugged on his sleeve pointing at an item the menu. "Alright alright calm down why are you so excited any way? You come here all the time" pigsy chuckled. "Well haha.." Tang rubbed his neck and blushed, "it's the first time actually coming here WITH someone!" Pigsy sighed and smiled, what would he do with someone like him?


as they got their drinks and sat down at a two seater table, them sitting across from each other. Tang sat in front of pigsy swinging his feet back and forth in his seat with a close eyed smile while sipping at his drink babbling about whatever. Pigsy sat in front of tang while grinning and blushing with his head in his palm trying to listen when he couldn't stop looking at his face, he found it cute when he started on his little rambles. Wait cute?

Pigsy shook his head trying to get these weird thoughts put of his head when tang stopped and his eyes shined bright as he squealed:

"Library study time!"


They got to their local library as they both stood next to each other in front of the giant building that had big front letters on the front of it:


Tang grabbed pigsys hand as he dragged him inside, when they entered they were hit with cool air and the smell of manilla paper and books and not to mention, dead silent. Tang gave a quick 'hush' whisper and mouthed to pigsy to follow him.


They sat at the table, next to each other, tang grabbed a book called 'journey to the west' tang squealed very quietly, he opened the book and slid it over a little so pigsy could read as well. They both scooted closer as their shoulders touched. They both turned a bright red as pigsy cleared his throat and tang adjusted his glasses, they began reading.

Tang had his hand in his lap as the other held onto one side of the book, pigsy doing the same. Tang jumped a little as he felt a hand on his, he was burning up with red all over his face, shakily looking over at pigsy as he sat there staring intensely at the book also shaking and blushing mad. Tang smiled and kissed him on the cheek "you're so cute piggy." tang laughed as he held his hand happily smiling " pigsy blushed, "p-piggy?" "Haha yup"

Pigsy didn't know what was happening his mind was a complete mess as these rapid thoughts came to his head 'what am i to tang? I mean what are we?? To each other?!' Pigsy wondered.

[Few days later]


"Pigsy I think it's important that i-i uh tell you something!"

"Let me guess ya like me?"

"H-how did you-"

"Just shut up" pigsy kissed him as tang kissed back. "So we official now?" Tang smiled "obviously."

"I KNEW IT!!" Mk screamed as him and mei were peered over some bushes mei punched him in the arm and told him to keep quiet.



P.S all of you have a last good day of pride Month I hope everyone enjoyed this month!!

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