cheer for him! (spicynoodles)

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Back again 😈

Have y'all seen the new owl house season 4 episode yet? It's so good! WATCH IT.



"oh you're so on!!" Mk screamed at the other boy. "Fine! Meet me around four at this machine. We're gonna settle this!" The boy screamed. They put their foreheads together, pushing back and forth as they both glared deathly into each other's eyes. The boy stormed off and as did Mk out of the arcade.


"MEIII" Mk shouted bursting through the door to pigsys noodles, calling his best friend. "What what what what what!!" Mei shouted back, matching his energy. Mk cried cartoonish tears, he was fighting with some boy over a game with the new monkie mech machine. They both wanted first game and eventually it led it an argument about who was better. That's when the challenge begun.

Mk had explained everything and mei was fuming, no one was going to mess with her best friend like that! So she gave him the good old motivational pep talk and Mk was ready to go.

"Wait!! I have to get one more person ready." Mei clasped her hands together. "And who's that?!" Mk said a little excited, despite not knowing who it was. "You'll see them at the competition! Now you go train or something." Mei shooed him out of the noodle shop and called up her friend.

"Red! We have a situation!"


"Okay! - explain this stupid situation again." Red son crossed his arms annoyed. Why did mei even come over? She could've just told him over the phone.

"So basically Mk ran into a little problem with some dude at the arcade and he's going to challenge him to a round of monkie mech!!" Mei said pumping a fist. "And we need YOU there to cheer him on. Be his little cheerleader...literally." Mei finished revealing the folded cloth in her hands.

"A CHEERLEADERS OUTFIT?! YOU MUST BE CRAZY IF YOU THINK IM GOING TO WEAR SOMETHING AS RIDICULOUS AS THAT." red son stomped his foot, his scalp exploding. As much as he actually liked feminine clothing, he thought he'd get made fun of.

"Oh come on red boy! It'll really motivate Mk if ya know what I mean!" Mei said shaking the outfit in front of him. Red sons face flushed and his hair calmed to a flare as he began to think.

[Reds mind]

"Woah red son you look...amazing." Mk said walking towards him.

"M-mk what are you doing- ah!" Red whimpered.

[End of fantasy]

Red son shook his head back and forth rapidly. Blushing at the weird thoughts he suddenly got. "Ugh...." Red son stood in front of mei with his hand on his chin, was he really considering this?! It took awhile of red thinking and his face going hot with every thought to finally just give in. It would be beneficial for himself and maybe even Mk.

"Okay... ffffFFFINE!!" Red son gave in, he could not believe he was doing this. "Just give me that!" Red son snatched the uniform and stomped into the bathroom. The whole phone call and mei coming over killed lots of time. So it was now 3:45 O'clock and they were on a schedule.


Red son had been inside of the bathroom for awhile, mei was getting impatient. "Red son! Hurry up or we're going to be late!!" She banged on the door. "GIVE ME A SECOND!" Came from outside of the door. Red son was just trying to get the skirt on.

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