four eyes! (short shadowpeach)

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Short shadowpeach for y'all before I start school TOMORROW. 😰 wish me luck and enjoy!

No proofread :(

"This is so humiliating..." Wukong said looking at himself in the mirror. There on his face were some fresh, new pair of glasses.

"There's no way I can show this to anyone! What would macaque think?? What would Mk think!" He rubbed his face, or tried to. His glasses were in the way. "Ugh, these stupid things! I hate them." Wukong then got an idea, he could just not wear them! Sure it would be hard to see but hey, no embarrassment! So he took them off and hid them in his medicine cabinet behind the mirror.

He came back out of the bathroom trying to act as natural as possible, walking around sitting in his room or outside. There was only one problem, he could barely see. He tried to dodge obstacles only to just run into them over and over, tripping over his own tail and even tripped over macaques.

Though he was sure macaque did it on purpose. Macaque noticed wukongs unusual behavior and decided to finally confront him about this whole...dilemma.

"Peaches." Macaque poked wukongs cheek with his tail. "What!" Wukong answered back turning over to him...not really. He kind of just turned over to the wall. "Alright something is going on. Tell me now." Macaque walked closer to him.

"Hey get back!" Wukong could barely see, he started to back up and tripped over his own tail again. Macaque caught him pulling him close by his waist. "Ugh just tell me what's going on." Macaque held his tail with his own as an attempt to try and get something out of the golden monkey.

"It's nothing mango, just let me be." Wukong said trying to walk away but yet again slamming into a wall. Wukong started to fume, he couldn't do this anymore! Slamming into walls and tripping over everything. He's had enough.

"Fine! Fine fine fine fine FINE!!" Wukong flailed. "Go into the medicine cabinet in the bathroom and grab my glasses." Wukong crossed his arms and looked down. Macaque was..surprised to say the least. "Wow the great sage equal to heaven needs glasses now! How cute." Macaque grabbed wukong with his tail and gently placed him on the couch.

Wukong sat on the couch with his arms crossed, puffing his cheeks out like an angry child.

Macaque went and rummaged through the medicine cabinet to find a pair of glasses. Macaque almost squealed, they were actually kind of cute! He took them from the cabinet and walked over to wukong.

He placed them onto wukongs nose and his vision slowly started to focus again. Macaque swore he could scream, he covered his face when it started to blush red. "Whoo that's much better, wait- why are you blushing macaque." Wukong pointed at him.

"It's- you're-" macaque let out a sigh. "You look so cute peaches!!" Macaque let himself go, he couldn't hold it anymore he looked adorable!

Macaque cupoed his face "your a cute little four eyes." Macaque laughed. "You better not start calling me that."


[EXTRA!! it's time for training with Mk Lol ]

"Monkie king! It's time to trai-" Mk was caught off with the biggest surprise of his life, the great sage had glasses!

"WHAAAA" Mk screamed, stumbling back. "Hey!... They aren't that bad are they..?" Wukong mumbled.

"Wh- No! They look awesome! It just took me by surprise, I wasnt expecting my mentor to suddenly show up with glasses!" Mk gave a thumbs up.

"Heh thanks bud.. Now let's get to trainin'!".


thank y'all for reading!! I STILL CAN'T BELIEVE I START SCHOOL TOMORROW UGH. Alright my updates will slow down just a bit :( but ily all and stay safe <33 BYEEE

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