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April 12th, 2021

ONE THING about Oikawa and Faith is that they were both liars. Fatass liars.

Sure, they could've spent their spring break with their friends like basically everyone else was.

But why do that when they can spend it together.

Currently, Faith is walking in paying for her and her cousins admission to get into the Carnival. They were both counting down the days before they could go and Faith wanted her cousin to get out more because she's always cooped up in her house.

"I'm literally starving Faith." Jhené says groaning

"Wanna get food and wait for my friend to get here?"


They wait in line in the funnel cake booth for a good 6 minutes and then make their way over to the tables. Faith checks her phone every thirty seconds and Jhené decides against asking about it.

"Um so...I told you but my friend is coming and my mom doesn't know about it so uh-"

"Are you serious right now Faith." Jhené deadpans

"I'm sorry...I promise i'll make it up to you." she says fake smiling.

Jhené rolls her eyes and continues to eat her food.

She sees Oikawa approaching and gets up from her seat, hugging him.

"Hey Faith." he says hugging her and spinning her around.

Faith giggles and he puts her down, he kisses her forehead and lets Faith lead him over to Jhené.

Jhené raises an eyebrow at both of them.

"Oikawa this is my cousin Jhené, Jhené this is my friend Oikawa."

"You sure y'all not dating?" she says looking at the two.

"No we're just friends!" Oikawa says smiling a little to big.

"Uh huh." she says rolling her eyes.

"Anyways...what ride do you guys want to get on first?" Faith asks.

"The zero gravity ride." Jhené says pointing towards it.

They all agree to get on the zero gravity ride and make there way over to it.


Two hours in, and they were all actually having fun. Besides to sneaky kisses and Jhené being left out a few times, it was really fun.

Jhené was really looking forward to getting on the ferris wheel. It was definitely one of her favourite rides out of the whole entire carnival.

They walk up and see the long line which they hadn't really mind that much. What they did mind is the fact it was only two at a time and they had an odd number of people.

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