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April 13th, 2021

IWAIZUMI lay awake in the dark staring at the ceiling above him.

He didn't do well with sleeping in places other than his own bedroom. He'd get so trapped in his thoughts, worrying about if his mother goes into his rooms and finds the money he hid away from her, or the pile of girls panties that he kept as a trophy.

Or the stash of drugs he told Oikawa he was going to get rid of.

It made his head hurt the way it was the only thing he could think about. He was tempted to just leave, but it was too early to go home yet. Not when his mom is probably still ready to literally murder Iwaizumi.

He groans and gets out of bed, throwing his hoodie on and walking out of his guest room. He walks out his room and sees Y/N's light on and he thinks about knocking.

He stands there contemplating wether or not he should knock on the door when he hears sniffing on the other side.

"Fuck it." he mumbles to himself and he softly knocks on the door.

Y/N's flinches and slides over to the door. She didn't expect to see Iwaizumi on the other side giving her that sympathetic look that he used to give her all the time when she was upset.

They stand there in silence before Iwaizumi speaks up.

"You wanna..." he says gesturing outside.

Y/N nods zipping her jacket up the rest of the way.

She follows him out to the back patio and they sit opposite from each other on Mattsuns fancy picnic table.

They both are only wearing socks so they're careful not to step on anything.

Iwaizumi lights up the blunt putting it up to his mouth. They hadn't smoked together in who knows how long.

He makes sure to turn his head away and exhale the smoke away from her face. Y/N thought the action was endearing.

"Why'd you agree? I know you quit smoking a long time ago...unless you-"

"I just needed to be outside for a minute and you were already knocking just as I was about to come sit out here." she says fiddling with her mushroom necklace that she constantly wore.

"What's wrong?" he asks taking another hit.

Y/N sighs contemplating if she really wanted to tell him or not. She was honestly too tired to think long and hard about it.

"My mom called me and decided she wanted to yell at me at 3 oclock in the damn morning. Melody lied and told her that I snuck off with some random guy that looked like he was in his 50's.

Then she started calling me a whore, a slut, a...p-pig, a-and a fucking disappointment and I'm just so tired Iwa. I mean I do everything she asks, I try to be a good daughter. All I wanted her to do is to love me how she used to.

We don't even spend time together anymore. Everyone in my family hates me for reasons I don't even know except my grandma on my dad's side. But i'm just so tired of being treated different and hated for no fucking reason."

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