381 13 2

April 12th , 2021

Y/N SITS AT THE TABLE slowly eating her stack of pancakes. She was running on autopilot all morning because of how exhausted she was.

Ever since spring break started, her mom would not let her catch a break. Making her do the most difficult and unreasonable things. She even had her mowing the lawn.

She'd probably be at Faith's house to avoid getting these tasks but Faith and her parents are out of town.

"Hurry up and eat. I need you to take your brother to the doctor and I need you to go get some groceries."

"Momma I literally went grocery shopping on Friday. There's plenty of grocery's in here."

"I don't care do what I tell you to do. And don't talk back to me."

"I've been doing what you've told me to do for almost all of spring break. Can you just please let me breath for a moment."

"No do what I tell you to do."

"You not doing nothing important. Why can't you do it?"

"You must wanna get slapped huh?" her mom says threateningly

Tears of frustration well up in Y/N's eyes and she so desperately wants her to just leave her alone.

"I don't know who the hell you think you are but I don't care how Faith talks to her parents, you not finna talk to me any kind of way. I pay the bills, I buy you clothes, I give you money, I keep a fucking roof over your head. I also pay for that god damn car out there. So if I tell you to do something you're going to fucking do it."

Y/N grips the sides of the chair. She knows she won't lay a hand on her mom but her anger was definitely going to boil over.

"Matter of a fact i'm sick of you anyway. Find somewhere to go for the rest of the week. Don't come back until I tell you to." Her mom says walking out the kitchen.

Y/N can't take it anymore at that point. She stands up and beelines straight to her room so she can break something, kick something, punch something, and to simply just scream (quietly of course).

She quietly shuts the door and then she starts breaking and kicking anything unimportant (quietly).

She rips up a bunch of papers, breaks unused pencils, and she kicks over any water bottle standing astray on her floor. After that she slightly feels better.

Surprisingly she's not balling her eyes out but it's sure to hit later.

The first person she calls is Mattsun. He lives a little far from where she is but it was either him or her grandma and she doesn't want to burden her with her bs.


"Can I ask you a favor?"

"Of course. What's up?"

"Um well...my mom's kicking me out..."

"You can stay."


"Yeah I mean Makki has to stay with his grandparents this week and i'm bored so you can keep me company."

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