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May 14th, 2021

Y/N WAS in her room making a bracelet for her little brother when she got a facetime from Oikawa. She hadn't had a proper conversation with him since that time she went to his house. I guess that meant Faith cheered him up.


"What are you doing?" he asks

"I'm making a bracelet for my brother...why?"

"Oh I was just asking."

"I'm guessing Faith made you feel better."

Oikawa put a finger over his mouth gesturing her to shush and then showed how Faith was asleep in his bed next to him so obviously naked.

"You two are gross."

"She just slept over. I'm still mad at her."

Y/N rolls her eyes and continues making her bracelet.

"So...I have to tell you something really important. And I don't want you to freak out."

"O...kay?" she says feeling like it's not even that serious.

"So um...you know-"

"C'mon Oikawa just say it. I'm a big girl."

"Iwa-chan is in rehab again."

Y/N freezes and her jaw drops in disbelief.

"Since when?" she says completely shocked.

"For over a while now. His mom just told me about it yesterday with her miserable ass. He overdosed again and she found him beat up real bad. The police think he was drugged too."

"What the actual...oh my god this might be my fault."

"What no? Why would you say that...you two were on good terms."

"We slept together at Faith's party."

This time, Oikawa's jaw drops in disbelief.

"Say you swear."

"I swear."

"Oh no... What happened after?"

"The morning after...I woke up and I was immediately getting up to leave. I left my purse but he gave it to me.

And then I said I regretted it and that we shouldn't speak of it again. And I wasn't even thinking when I said it. I just didn't wanna get hurt again..."

"I'm sure it's more to it Y/N."

"It can't be I mean...he lowkey seemed really happy. I didn't even think about how much I myself could affect his mental health...or where he was mentally before."

"Well I mean you are the only real relationship he's ever had. As his bestfriend, I consider you his first love. He never really liked the other girls he was with...just you."

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