633 20 5

March 3oth, 2021

tw - assault , murder

IWAIZUMI SCRUBS THE last dish in the sink when his mother comes up behind him to bother him once more.

"Hajime~ what are you cooking for dinner honey?" she asks bitterly sweet.

Iwaizumi doesn't answer. He'd rather not get frustrated with his mother right now, he was not in the mood for her bullshit.

His mom grabs a fist full of his hair and yanks him back making him groan and reach for his mother's hand.

"I said what are you cooking for dinner. Hajime?" she seethes.

"...I'm cooking Tofu and rice mom." he musters out, gritting his teeth in pain and trying to pry his mom's hand off of him.

His mother lets go of his hair and rolls her eyes, walking off to do whatever it is she did to keep herself entertained if it wasn't physically harming Iwaizumi.

Iwaizumi forced himself to suck it up and continue cooking when deep down, he wanted to shed just a few tears.

Hajime wasn't always an asshole. He used to be the sweetest boy on the earth. Sure, he had his moments (a lot of them actually) when he would get into mischief. Although, when it came to girls, Iwaizumi was just like Oikawa with his charm.

When Hajime was just 16, his father was murdered right in front of his very own eyes. He remembers that moment like it was just the other day. Everything went downhill for Hajime after that night.


It was another 3:30 am that Hajime's father had come home late and this particular night, Y/N was there.

They were both laying side by side on Iwaizumi's bed, the two of them high in the sky. Y/N was trying to take Iwaizumi's mind off his parents nonstop arguing. And by nonstop, meaning they'd been going at it for hours on end.

The only thing keeping Iwaizumi from just breaking down was the loud music blasting through his small speaker, and the feeling of his girlfriend's soft fingers tracing shapes in his side and the soft whispers of comfort, reassuring him everything will be fine into his ear.

Because she loved him that much.

But that somewhat peacefulness didn't last long when they heard the sound of glass breaking. They've heard countless things being thrown or broken, but Iwaizumi just couldn't ignore it anymore.

He rolled off the bed and made his way towards his parent's room, ignoring Y/N's constant protests, but she still followed closely behind him.

Iwaizumi has seen a lot of shit in his life and sure it may have left a dent, but what he seen when he walked into his parent's bedroom, broke him.

The sight of his mother straddling his father, blood gushing from his head and he had his hands clasped on her wrists, using his last ounce of strength to calm her down which was proven to be pointless.

His father had been an alcoholic and an addict and he wouldn't do anything about it. Although, he would never intentionally hurt his family. But one thing he did do though was mentally and emotionally damage Iwaizumi and his mother.

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