"You have no legal rights!" I growl, shoving him away. "You're not on the birth certificate."

That shuts him up.

"Tell Rory she'll be hearing from my lawyer."

And then he's gone.

I watch as he hops into his car and drive off. The anger within me is still boiling. I need to call Alice asap.

All I can think about is what could've happened if I wasn't here. He obviously wasn't expecting me to be here. I could tell by his body language he was shocked.

If I wasn't here, they could've gotten hurt. I'm supposed to protect them and I can't even do that.

"Harry? Baby what are you doing?" Rory's voice comes from behind me, and it's then that I realize I've just been standing in her driveway, staring out onto the street.

"Ashton was here." Is all I say, turning around and picking the groceries up off the ground.

I hear Rory's breath hitch and lead her back into the house with my free hand.

"Are you sure it was him?" Rory asks quietly as I unpack the groceries and place them on her kitchen counter.

"It was him." I nod, "He was talking to me and something just- I don't know. Something just clicked. I knew it was him, and then he confirmed it."

"What did he say?" Rory whispers, standing close to me I roll my hands into a fist.

"Nothing true." I clear my throat, glancing over at Rory with tears in my eyes.

"Hey, what's wrong." Rory frowns, releasing my hands and taking them into her own.

"He could've hurt y'all." I whisper, biting my lip as tears flow down my cheeks.

"But he didn't." Rory assures, "He didn't because you were here."

"But I almost wasn't!" I sob, "If I had shown up just a few seconds later, I wouldn't have been here in time."

Rory takes me into her arms, hugging me as tight as she can as I sob into her shoulder.

You don't realize just how much someone means to them, until you almost lose them.

Maybe I'm overreacting, maybe he wouldn't have done anything, but he could've. He has the ability to. He gets angry fast, and when he does get angry, he doesn't think. I got that vibe from him when I spoke to him.

"Harry, look at me." Rory says sternly, lifting my head off her shoulder and holding her face in my hands. "We're okay."

"Ivy came out when he was in the driveway." I whisper, "I was so scared. I told her to go back inside and wait upstairs with you."

"She told me a guy was outside, but I assumed it was someone you knew." Rory sighs, running a hand through my hair, "She's okay, though. Not even phased."

"Good." I let out a breath, sniffling as Rory wipes the tears from my eyes, "I'm sorry."

Rory shakes her head. "Don't apologize."

"After y'all eat, I'm calling Alice." I say, my tone flat as Rory looks at me concerned.

"That's fine." Rory nods, "Just- let me in on the conversation too? This is my problem. I should be involved.

"Of course." I gulp, tucking a piece of hair behind Rory's ear. "Are you feeling okay?"

"I feel fine." Rory smiles, giggling lightly, "Ivy hasn't thrown up in a few hours, so I think we're in the clear."

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