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The next day, the pair initially wanted to return to Tokyo since they had completed their investigation way earlier than they expected. But Kanako proposed to take their time to do some sightseeing and have fun. According to her reasoning, they wouldn't have that long to live, and it's best to do the things they have been yearning to do for a long time. Aki knew the meaning behind her words but said nothing about it. He agreed and they drove to the city crowded with citizens busy with their respective lives. First, they stopped at a place to have a quick but filling breakfast consisting of eggs, toasted bread, and coffee.

"Is there anywhere you wanted to go as a child?" She asked, breaking the silence at their table as she took a slow sip of her freshly brewed coffee.

Aki shrugged his shoulders, swallowing the food. "Don't know about that. I didn't really think much about it, since I was more focused on getting revenge for my family."

Kanako pursed her lips. She finished the small plate of eggs after mixing them with pepper and dark soy sauce. "Aki, what do you think you would be working as if your family is still alive? Would you become a devil hunter?"

The other raised his head at the question. He stared at her for a few seconds and looked out of the window, observing the people walking past them. "... Probably not. I might either be a regular office man or something else. What about you? If the way you grew up changed, what would you do?"

She bitterly smiled. "I don't know. Unlike you, I can't imagine how else I could live my life. It's funny, isn't it? I'm not that creative as compared to you."

Before he could reply, she interrupted him. "If you're done, we should get going. We have the whole day ahead of us and it'll be a waste to not do anything."

They spent their afternoon aimlessly wandering through the streets of the city. Sometimes they stopped to buy snacks: crepes, takoyaki, dumplings, stir-fried squid, and the list goes on. Of course, both took turns paying for the food. If Aki is the only one paying, his wallet would have shrunk more than it should. He shoved it back in his pocket, having stopped when Kanako sprinted to a man selling ice cream. Childlike wonder was written all over her face as she stared at the wide range of flavors for the public to choose from.

It was obvious she had never been to the outside world or ventured further into Japan, judging from how she takes in her surroundings with awe. They sat on a nearby bench in the spacious and large-sized park. Their feet cried in relief when they were finally given a break from walking for the past few hours. Kanako chose a vanilla-flavored ice cream cone, while Aki bought a chocolate-flavored cone for himself.

"Kanako, why didn't you tell me?" He asked, breaking the silence.

The girl licked her ice cream, glancing at him. "Tell you what?"

Aki stares into the distance, eyes fixated on a few kids squealing as they chase one another a few feet away from where they say. "Why didn't you tell me you gave three months away?" He clarified his question.

Kanako's heart sank. Her blood ran cold at the unexpected question. She stared at her partner, wide-eyed, and with parted lips, speechless to the core. A part of her wanted to play dumb, but she knew no matter how hard she tried, there was no way she could hide it from him anymore. She sighed, leaning into the bench, and her shoulders dropped.

"How did you figure it out?" She muttered.

"The Future Devil told me. It mentioned how you don't have a lot of time left."

She exhaled through her nose, tilting her head to look at the crystal blue sky. White puffy clouds moved at a snail's pace, and birds flew past her vision. "Have you wished to be reborn as a bird?" She asked.

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