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THE REST OF THE WEEK PASSED IN A BLINK OF AN EYE. The pair spent the remaining days doing their last few investigations. One thing Aki was curious to know was how the gun fragment was implanted in Kanako's apartment when she was the only one who held the key. What was more puzzling was the fact that there were no signs of forced entry, according to the reports he received from the police force once they finished checking the scene for signs of evidence left behind. Not to mention how Kanako's father is an accomplice of the Gun Devil, making the situation even direr.

Aki sighed, rubbed his temple, and decided to take a short break. He was in the hotel room and Kanako was out, shopping for clothes. She mentioned it's annoying to keep wearing the same clothes every day. The girl pointed out that since she has the money, she might as well spend some of it on clothes. Aki merely rolled his eyes, waving her out of the room. It will be good for him when she leaves, so he could focus on finishing his report and sending it to Makima. He got up from the chair, swiping his packet of cigarettes off the table as he approached the cramped balcony separated by a sliding door.

The view wasn't that impressive, considering how the hotel was located close to office buildings and a few shopping malls. But Aki wasn't picky. He didn't have the luxury to be picky on where to stay, what to eat, and so on, considering how he was living on limited time. He lit his cigarette, noticing how the packet was vacant, much to his disappointment. Aki pulled out his phone, fingers flying across the screen at godspeed as he sent Kanako a message, asking her to buy a few packets of cigarettes for him while she was outside.

He inhaled the smoke, slowly exhaled it, and watched it waft about in the air before it vanished. Aki rested his forearms on the railings, looking down on the people occupying the streets beneath him. He was lost in his thoughts when the sound of the door slamming shut made him jump, bringing him back to reality. He looked over his shoulder, observing Kanako's figure drawing closer as she placed the bags on the nearest bed.

"Couldn't you have closed the door without slamming it?" He sighed, moving to the side when she stopped beside him.

"It's difficult to do that when you're carrying lots of stuff," she retorts, handing him a new packet of cigarettes and he gratefully accepts it, mumbling his thanks.

"You never told me about the reason for smoking," Kanako said, turning to face him.

Aki raised an eyebrow, tapping the bud lightly. He repeats the process: inhale and exhale. "It's nothing interesting. But since you're curious, Himeno was my ex-partner and she smokes around me when I was a newbie. She offered one to me and I guess that was the start of an addiction." He looked at the cigarette with a distant look.

Kanako hummed, resting her chin on her knuckles. "I see. Well, I would tell you to quit smoking. The sooner the better, but with our lives as devil hunters, we won't have much to live anyway."

Aki said nothing, remaining silent instead. The two basked in one another's presence for the next thirty minutes or so until they decided to head out for dinner. There was always room service, but they wanted to save some money since they have other things to buy. Agreeing to Kanako's suggestion of having a barbeque for dinner, Aki drove them to a famous restaurant. They were fortunate enough to arrive before dinner hours, able to get a table to themselves.

"So, what are you planning to do when you return tomorrow?" She asked, after placing their orders and a waitress left them alone.

Aki hummed, pouring himself a glass of iced water. "Not sure. Makima mentioned how the Gun Devil expedition is coming soon, and I have to get in the squad so I'll probably rank up my kills."

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