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IF SOMEONE TOLD THE YOUNG, INNOCENT, BRIGHT, AND NAIVE AGAWA KANAKO she would grow to be a mature, cold-hearted, and ruthless devil hunter, the young girl would not believe what they said. She would stare at the stranger with a judgmental look, eyeing them from head to toe as she examined their appearance. However, it turns out that was the truth. Kanako went through a drastic and dark period in her life. She was alone, and no one was there to support her. All she had was the inner voices whispering sweet nothings, telling her how she should give up and succumb to her true desires.

Ever since she breathed her first breath, Kanako's life was anything but peaceful. She has no memories of her biological parents and grew up under the neglect of her aunt: Agawa Keiko. Keiko resorted to drinking her young life away after going through a divorce from her husband. Due to that, it was a common sight for Kanako to witness, a drunk woman swaying about with every step she took as she wobbled her way into the darkness of her apartment. Keiko ignored the people around her, telling her she should quit her alcoholic addiction before it was too late.

And did she listen?

A young girl, now at the age of fourteen, stood before a tombstone in the graveyard served as the answer. Kanako felt numb, unable to feel anything around her. She could not feel how raindrops were smacking her form. She could not feel how wet and heavy her all-black outfit was against her skin. She could not feel something with pure malicious intent looming around her. She could not feel the thing cooing in her ear with their angelic-like voice, even if they were nothing like an angel. The only thing she felt was emptiness, a gaping hole left in her soul that could never be fixed, ever again.

And now, she was back to square one: alone.

With Keiko gone and no one willing to take her in, Kanako has no choice but to learn to survive on her own. She managed to do so for the next three years, by taking two part-time jobs: one is to work as a cashier at a supermarket while the other is an administrative clerk in an office. The salaries from both jobs were decent enough, allowing her to pay the bills and purchase the necessities she required.

Kanako even signed up for archery classes at the nearby community centre in her neighbourhood. She wanted to learn a skill that could be beneficial to her in the future. She used her salaries to purchase a well-made bow and some arrows to use for class. The girl ignored the curious stares and whispers around her whenever she turned up for class. She never spoke unless it was necessary.

It allowed her to save energy and focus on more important things rather than engaging in unnecessary conversations. However, the young girl begins to feel bored with her normal life. It was always the same routine every day: waking up at six, leaving her home at seven, working from nine to twelve, and so on. Nothing was interesting in her dull and slow life. Kanako wouldn't dare to admit it out loud, but she envies the high school students she sees everywhere. A part of her wished she could be like them: hanging out with friends after classes and laughing together, without a care in the world.

If she was a normal high school student, she would only have to worry about completing her assignments and studying for her upcoming tests or examinations. She would not have to worry about ensuring she has a sufficient amount of money stored aside. She would not have to worry about wondering if there was any purpose left in living this life. However, her life took a drastic turn on an evening, when she finished her archery class and took the usual route back home.

Kanako shivered when a strong gust of chilling wind blew past her, messing up her low ponytail. She raised the collar of the thick and warm jacket higher; a pathetic attempt to shield her body from the cold temperature. The girl quickened her pace, walking down the vacant streets and her ears picked up muffled growling and hissing noises. The first mistake she made was allowing her curiosity to take over her body. The second mistake she made was following the direction of the noises. She stopped by the entrance of a poorly lit alleyway perfectly hidden between two tall buildings.

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