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KANAKO FOUND HERSELF IN THE LIVING ROOM. The sheet of paper was held in her hands as she took a long and slow sip of her second cup of coffee for the day. It wasn't a surprise when she couldn't sleep no matter how much she tossed and turned after returning home from the party. She sighed, bringing her knees up to her chest and resting her chin on top. For the unknown time, she read through the short message again, ensuring it capture word by word and imprinted it into her mind.

Dear Kanako,

I know this might come off as a surprise to you, but I am your father: Agawa Heita. You might think this is a prank or a scam, but I can assure you it is not either one of those. I am alive and doing well, and I could only hope the same applies to you. I know it was hard for you to survive and grow up alone, with no parental support from behind. I also know no matter how guilty I am, I do not deserve any forgiveness from you. However, if I may be selfish for once, I would like to meet my daughter and see what kind of adult she has grown up into.

Please, let this old man of yours fulfill his sole wish. My contact number can be found on the back of this paper. I will wait for your response, no matter how long it takes.

Your father.

She sighed, placing the paper on the space beside her, and sank further back into the couch. Kanako rubbed the space between her eyes to clear her mind. Never in her entire nineteen years of living would she expect her biological father to contact her, after going off the grid ever since she was born. Many thoughts ran through her mind. She wondered why he would reach out to her after all this time. She wondered how he knew where she stayed. She wondered about his motive for reaching out to her. After all, every action someone does must always have a purpose behind it, be it a positive or negative motive.

Fuck, I really should have snatched the cigarette from Aki. All this thinking is hurting my brain.

She groaned, downing the remains of her coffee in one go, and decided to step out for a while. Even if it was reaching dawn soon, the morning fresh air would do her some good. Kanako stepped into her bathroom, took a quick shower, and proceeded with her routine. Unlike the other normal days, she was assigned to patrol an area in her neighborhood. According to the reports provided for her, there were recent sightings of a devil and since Kanako lived there, she was told to kill the devil before it could harm any of the civilians.

The girl left her apartment, locked the door behind her, and head off to get started on her patrol. She scrolled through the digital documents she received via email, double-checking to ensure she was heading the right way. The devil hunter made a turn to her right, stopping when her ears picked up the sounds of low growling. She entered stealth mode, cautiously making her way to the nearest wall, and risked a sneak peek to check the situation. She nearly let out a gasp when she recognized the source of the growling sounds.

It was the police officer or devil that attacked her before.

Although, it was no longer in the form of a human being. It was completely hideous, and it looks as if it comes straight out of a horror movie. It was medium-sized, but it was large enough to destroy its surroundings everywhere it goes. Kanako starts coming up with a plan, keeping a firm eye on the devil's movements so it won't leave her sight. She initially wanted to summon the Fox Devil to finish it in one go, but there were buildings around them, and she preferred to minimize property damage as much as possible. The same applies to using the ability of the Lightning Devil.

This leaves her no choice but to use physical attacks.

Kanako summoned a simple katana, and it appeared in her right hand. She looked around, spotting an open-air grassy plain nearby, and made up her mind.  Her fingers wrapped around the hilt, and she gripped onto it tightly like it was her life force. Taking a deep breath, she calmed her nerves and stepped out of her hiding place.

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