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I woke up at 3 am and kissed each one of Lukes toes, time to get ready. i put on moldy socks i found in my closet then put on my favorite shoes, Vibram FiveFingers. (heres a pick if you dont know what that is) 

After puting on my uniform i was ready by 3:15 am, i started walking to lukes house, it was only a 20 mile walk but i can do anything for my luckey poo so i made it there in 2 minets

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After puting on my uniform i was ready by 3:15 am, i started walking to lukes house, it was only a 20 mile walk but i can do anything for my luckey poo so i made it there in 2 minets. When i got to his i tried to not act to hastey but i couldent help myself i ran to his bigest tree and climed up. His room was on the second floor of their house and he always kept his window open. Once finding a comfortable spot to sit in the tree i bagan to do my favorite hobby...watching Luke sleep...Somtimes i wisper a song to him like i do now. "greasy shrek, greasy shrek, let down your hair." But only this time did he wake up. Just as he was about to scream they passed out from my oder...? Sigh I knew this was going to hapen. time to wait at the bus for them.

= at school advisory=

I love advisory, since lukey poo is also in it, but not so much my advisor is ms. Gerber which isnt so nice because of the isadent. "alright class we are going to Texses for a class trip, we will be meeting with a nother school and you will be asigned a partner from that school to share a dorm with during are trip." said Gerber the whole class cheered exept me. All i could think about was Luke hanging out weith somone besides me. h-how popsturus! 

When it was time to leave for the trip i made sure to pack my pictures of luke and my bodey pillow, that was all i needed. the bus ride was 10 hours long, nothing i couldent handle. "Gerber may i ask why we are going on this trip?" Marlowe asked. " well if i am going to be honest its because of the multiple disaperinces that have been going on at school, first Kiperlinda, then Greasy Shrek, this is very worring. 

= in texases=

We finaly got to the dormatories i was put with a person named Claude, but i have bigger problems to worrie about the my roomate, luke my beloved. Luke was put with somone named Dimitri (no not the dimitri from fire emblem.), i dont know much about dimitri but one thing is for sure, i dont like the way he looks at my cuti-pie luke. I needed to gather information about this so-called Dimiti, and i think i knew where to start.....

"Allie, morgan, Songsten, and marlowe i guess, i have gatherd you here for a very important reson, i need information on who/what this dimitri is" i said as i eagerly waited for their reply

"demetri is my mom, my love, that is all" Allie said, w-w-what th-that cant be right, do i really have to go agianst, THE dimitri THE TEXAS demitri himself......whatever shall i whatever cost i will, mark my words, i will eliminate you dimitri........

i need to think, what is the route of my problem....well dimitri..... how to i eliminate him.......ill think more about this later.... all i need to do right now is making sure Luke will fall for me. i swiftly left my dorm and headed to the bathroom, because Luke always goes to the bathroom in the morning after he wakes up at 7. So i waited in a stall. And waited, And waited, it  had been so long i had to take a dump.....The diareah was so bad from the moldy milk i had drinkin, the poop was chunky.. and after a minuet of pooping it didnt stop.... i pooped so much that it went back up into my but. but that didnt mater because i heard a im not crazy, that, that was lukes voice??? And i heard a nother voice, d-dimirti? No how could this be! While i was waiting for my Luke Dimitri had already made his move.....

"eww what is that horrid smell" said luke dearest.

"i dont know lukey-poo, lets get out of here and have a barbaque" Said dimitri....Wait...ONLY I GET TO CALL THEM LUKEY-POO...I am furiose........i cant contian it, m-my alpha its oozing out of me....... I Kicked open the stall, Im butt naked with poop all over me but i dont care. I get on all fours and start to walk around dimiti and i start growling. But then i look to se Lukes reaction, and its one of absolute horror, what have i done? Have i made the one i truley love hate me..? i tell myself it doesnt matter but what if ill never be with him now....I cant think because of all the poop i stiil need to poop so i run away

"Q-Qgris w-wait" i thought i heard somone say while running away cute-ly i turn back to see Luke lughing, smiling, with dimiti..... maybe its better for them to be with dimiti instead of me..... hes just not happy around me, i guess i give up....

hours pass and whenever i try to close my eyes all i see is their face staring back at me, luke, luke i miss you.....I get up from my sad sack of a bed and i head to Marlowe's weird cult/teletube statue, "dear Tell a tub what ever shall i do, my crush likes another" i said...... The tella tub speaks back to me "give up you look and smell like poo." WHAT HOW COULD THE TELLI TUB...I grab a hammer and smash the telli tubs, w-what have i done. BUT IT DOESNT MATER IT DESERVED IT, NOTHING MATTERS EXEPT MY DEAR LUKE. LUKE. LUKE. LUKE. I MISS THE SENT OF YOUR HAIR. LUKE COME BACK TO ME..... to come back to me sences i hug by bodey pillow pf luke then i am Inspired by the Tell a tub i know just what to do........

123, this should be dimitries adress, 

"hey, are you dimitries dad?" i said shyly

"yep thats me boy, yehawww-"



I put dimitries dad in a bodey bag and take him away, but making sure i leave a note telling demitri what i did to his father. 

=next day=

"Class we are heading back, due to dimities dad disapenence and dimitries disaperence we must leave" Said ms, Gerber. So my plan worked huh? i guess your dads disapernince scared the so called other "alpha". On the way back to school i had sit next to luke and conferted him about the death of dimitri even though i didnt care. He was really sad though and it makes me question my ethics.....

etheir way i think ill be seing Dimitri agian very soon, he is still out there.......

Days of trying to get Luke to fall in love with me (QGRIS X LUKE)Where stories live. Discover now