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Request from luke Gagan From Marlowe

day 1 Qgris

day 1 of trying to get luke to fall in love with me

It was a nice spring day and Qgris was waiting for Luke-chan to get on the bus with him, Qgris had had a crush on luke ever since he caught Luke saying they liked feet, true love. He had saved a seat for luke using his old lunch-box. As Luke borded on the bus they saw Qgris blushing, so luke disited sitting next to Qugiris would be a good idea. walking down the main hallway of the bus he finaly got to qugiris, but the stench was so bad luke couldent help but run away. "awww he's so shy and kawii" said Qugiris. Luke disided to sit next to Kiperlinda on the bus, but in the backround he heard Qgris roaring.

Qgris pov

for ever i have been in love with my dearest luke today i will make him fall with me...NOOO i cant belive it h-how how could they, how could my lukey-poo sit with Kiperlinda, no this is not ok, Kiperlinda stole my dearest luke, he must be eliminated.

i got off the bus to get to the main entrence of the school i could hear My dearest lukey-poo talking to....KIPERLINDA???? This is it for you, you have tested my pashints dear Kiperlinda, you shall be gone by todays end. I will.. I will VANQUISH MY PHOES. Dont worry Luke you will be mine... you will be mine... you. will. fall. for. me.

I realized that i cant take this any longer, i must take action. I ran as fast as i could, set my heart ablaze so Lukey wouldent fall for Kiperlinda.

"Hey Kiperlinda i-i need to talk to you" I said as i picked a booger, Luke made a face at me, it was a face of love. I draged Kiperlinda to my teacher, mrs phillipes, basement. This is my dear nest, i live alone because im the alpha, how sad, though i would love for Luke to be my Omega. as we started to walk down the cracking cement stairs i could hear Kiperlinda heartbeeat speeding up.

"do you have a problem kiperlinda, im trying to show you deku-chan."

"n-no" he responded

"good. OINK" oopes i let out me alpha i cant let that hapen agian....

by the time we were at the bottom of the basement i was ready to confront Kiperlinda.

"so, lets cut to the chase, *growls hungraly* you have been talking to much to my dearest luke and i can not exept that, i must kill you now." right after i said that i had heard Kiperlinda chuckle w-what???

"you realy think you can beat me, Kiperlinda, the crusty dusty musty fugly ugly mugly? no you must be mistaken mortal, for i.... i am....THE ANIME GOD HAHAHA."

"what? the anime god? i have only heard ledgends of you, and your deadly burps." this isnt good one hit from his deadly burps and ill be done for-


no this cant be the end i must remeber. remember. Who am i doing this for? Luke. Luke. Luke. I must get up for him, for our love to blossom.

"you think that can kill me?" I said as i growled

getting on all fours i charged at kiperlinda, i have one thing..... one thing that could posibly beat mom said that a single wiff from my armpit could destory the world and i must be carfull weilding this massive power. This is my one chance! I pounced on Kiperlinda, my oder knocking him out in a matter of secounds. I look down do see Kiperlinda dead.... is this what luke would of wanted...? It doesnt matter anymore, he wont know about this. All that matters is Luke falling for me.

i let a loud roar out so the whole world can hear that i councured Kiperlinda, the crusty dusty musty fugly ugly mugly, the anime god himself.

As i get out of the basement from mrs.Phillipes room I hear the bell dismising the whole school since today was a late start. darn it i missed my chance. i missed my chance to talk to Luke at lucnh. you know what Kiperlinda i feel no mervy for you, i did what was right.

"Qgris." i hear from behind me as i turn i see the second most buetifal face (second to Luke), Pam....Pam the wrinkily princabable. Each one of those wrinkales riminded me of my dearest Luke.

"yes?" i responded

"i need you to have a quick chat with me...."

=In princibles ofice=

"Qgris i heard you bit mrs. Gerber, is this true? Wham bam Pam asked.

what how? how could pam of found out? Somone must of told her about this incident, when my alpha came out.

"w-what, who told you this?" i asked makeing sure to be polite.

"Luke told me, he is a very responsible student"

w-what??? i cant belive it, Luke. LUKE. LUUUUUKE. HOW COULD YOU. YOU HAVE MADE A FOOL OUT OF ME, AND INFRONT OF PAM, i must elliminate you.

n-no what am i saying lukey-pooo was doing this for me. They love me, they love me, Luke loves me. Hes just doing this so i can talk to pam....that must be it...surley.

=after talking to pam=

Its now dark out i should probably go home instead of my nest, i cant let my dearest Luke or Pam cetch me in philpes bacement (Philipes basicly lives at school, dont question it).

I dicided to walk home in the sewers, I noticed that everyone, espaitialy Luke loves my smell after i go into the sewers since they always make this face at me when i "smell". By the time i am home i am so tired, its peobably best to go to bed. as i get tucked into bed next to my bodey pillow i made of Luke i kiss a picture of his feet so its the first and last thing i see in my day.

good night lukey-pooo.

Days of trying to get Luke to fall in love with me (QGRIS X LUKE)Where stories live. Discover now