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I sat in my chair as makeup was dabbed into my face and I waited patiently for when I'd be finished.

I was so excited.

I snickered quietly as I watched my dad help Isaiah with his tie.

It was almost time.
My first movie premiere.
I was so nervous and eager that I could hardly keep still.

"There you go. How do we feel?" Carol asked and stood behind me.
"I'm glad. Come on, it's time for you to get dressed. Mario should be done steaming it."
I stood out of my chair and turned to face the men.

"Don't break anything while I'm gone." I commanded.
Isaiah put his hands in the air.
"Do they have water?" my dad asked.
Patrick handed him a bottle of water.
"Wow." my dad said in awe.

I continued walking to the room to get dressed.

The movie was such a big deal being that it was written and directed by Robert Durango that they gave me and Morgan large hotel rooms to stay at while we're here for the premiere.
I was sent a dress by a well known designer and I haven't even had the chance to look at it yet.

"Hi, Willow! Are you excited?!" Mario asked.
"I'm nervous." I laughed.
"Well that's fair. You guys usually are but I promise it's not as scary as it seems."
I nodded.
"Come on let's get you dressed and ready. I have a lot of jewelry options for you to choose from.

He rolled the dress out while it was hanging on its rack.

"So, who are the men you brought with you?"
"My dad and...my...ex?"
He looked at me.
"Okay, I know that sounds bad but let me explain."
"Hey, sis, it's none of my business." he snickered.
"We were exes for good reason. He felt like because he's kind of...a street guy, that he was holding me back from being who I was meant to be. He left because he wanted me to stop getting comfortable roaming the streets with him and it worked. Because look where I am now."
Mario nodded. "That's sweet of him."
"Yea, but we disagree. I don't think he held me back. I held myself back. I was scared to step out and he pushed me. If he hadn't done that and broken up with me, I would've been too comfortable being where I was. So I'm very grateful for him. It's why I invited him to walk with me. After a lot of pleas with Mr. Durango." I snickered.
"Of course he told you yes, the man loves you like you're his kid."
"Yea, well." I shrugged happily.

"You sure you only brought the ex here as gratitude?" he asked.
"No. But that's what I'll call it."
He snickered. "Fair enough."


I stepped out of my room, fully dressed with hair out of its rollers.

The men were eating from the gift basket I was given and watching the tv.

"You two do know that those were MY chocolates, right?" I asked.

They turned and looked at me.

"Heyy, look at you!" my dad said proudly.
"It's nice, isn't it?" I smiled and looked down at the dress.

It was an emerald green gown with a cinched waist, a draping single right strap, and a split over the left leg up to the middle of my thigh. I was given pointed toe stilettos that matched.

My dad took out his phone and held it at me. "Smile so I can show it to your grandmother."
I laughed and held a smile for the picture.
"There we go." he said once he took it.

"We have to leave in about five more minutes. Do you guys have everything?" I asked.
"Hang on, she's calling me right now." my dad said and got up to leave the room. "Hey, Ma. I know! Her mother would be so proud!" he said as he left.

I looked back at Isaiah once my peripheral vision caught him standing up, just to see if he at least had everything.

He was just staring at me.

"What?" I wondered.
He just sighed and his hand gestured at me before it fell back to his thigh. "Wow."
I smiled. "Do you like it?"
"You look perfect." he said as he walked closer.

We stood face to face.

"Well you look good too." I smiled.
"Thank you. I think I clean up pretty nice." he smiled.
"Yes you do."

We just stared at one another.

"I might...regret this and it might be a terrible conversation to have before I'm about to get hundreds of pictures taken, but...um..." I had to gather my words carefully.
"You alright?" he asked.
"Yea. I just...I don't know...when we go out there...and people might ask who you are...what can I tell them?"
"You tell them whatever you want," he stated.
"Are you sure?"
"I'm positive."
"So if I said we were together..."
"Do it." he insisted.

I just stared at him.

"I wanted to ask you earlier, but I ain't want you thinkin' I was being a gold digger or anything..." he chuckled nervously.
I snickered. "Well I'm still not rich. But I know you wouldn't do that to me."
I nodded.

"So when we finish later...I'm gonna take you somewhere. Just you and me."
"Two years and you still ask me on dates the same way." I giggled.
He scoffed and looked away from me.

His eyes met mine again.
"You wanna go on a date with me?" he asked gently.
"Maybe..." I smiled.
"Don't play." he chuckled.
"I'm still thinking about it." I joked.
"Yea, whatever. You're gonna go on a date with me."
"Promise?" I asked.
"Yea, I promise."

The door opened and we saw my dad enter along with Mario and Carol.

"Your grandmother said, and I have to quote because she threatened to kick my ass, 'step on those bitches' necks'." my dad stated.
I bursted out in laughter and so did Isaiah.

"Alright, you three! Let's go! You're cuttin' it close. If you're not early, you're late!" Carol yelled and began rushing us out.

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